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Dane's Anatomy: McSteamys Celebrity Sex Tape

And another one bites the dust... -beauty-queens-naked-threesome


I dont see his goods !!

"Ryan, try not to punch Summer, she's just the messenger."
The OC


Ew, ew, ew!
What self-respecting woman would make love to her hubby and add another woman to the mix?
Sorry--I share sweaters, candy, hugs, and money, but not my husband!

Cursing is a crutch for the communicationally-challenged.


I guess one who is "so high" as Rebecca says she is in the tape.

I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together.


Uncensored version niches-uncensored-sex-tape


To each his own. Pleasure should never be limited by laws or traditions.


What self-respecting woman would make love to her hubby and add another woman to the mix?
Sorry--I share sweaters, candy, hugs, and money, but not my husband!

Thank you for your post. I posted my thoughts on that one under the thread "Eric Dane is an idiot" and I got told not to "judge" other people. Dam, it clearly stated "IMO."

I agree with you, I will share alot of stuff, but NOT my woman. Not even if the third was another woman. Hell, we are not even married yet, and I wouldn't do it. Some things are meant to be best when one-on-one, and sex is one of those things. Love, respect, commitment, trust.... I just do not see how those things and a 3-way could peacefully co-exist in a relationship.

So I'm glad to see others that don't want to share their favorite toy, either.

"Some day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century...JTR"


If all the parties agree to it, I don't see where the harm is.


I agree...WHAT A BUNCH OF PRUDES. If they all agreed what is th ebig deal? All of you weirdo's should worry about your OWN hangups and let others do what they want. Stop trying to jam YOUR ideas down other's throats. I don't give a rats ass what you boring trolls do in bed or with who~! The only thing that bothered me after watching this tape is how stupid they all are. Their conversation was the most moronic thing I've heard in years. Any celeb taping this stuff is a complete moron.
