
So, I recently saw this clip from a movie about Jesus' life ... and I would SWEAR that Henry Cusick was Jesus. Has anyone else seen it? I can't find it on his filmography but I would almost bet my life on the fact that it's him.
Anyone else?


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Just saw the movie tonight on Trinity Broadcasting. Cusick is a wonderful Jesus, the most natural I've ever seen. He's riveting. If you get a chance, watch the movie, "The Gospel of John." He was made for the part. In fact, I think he does it so well, he has ruined it for any other actor now. lol

"Qui conduisait la voiture?"


He was the perfect person to play Jesus. I've seen a lot of movies about Jesus and they aren't always so wonderfully cast. I really enjoyed this adaptation. I agree, if you are religious you will probably like this and not find it boring at all, I didn't, but if you aren't into the Bible, then you'll probably switch it off after 30 minutes.


He does a very heartfelt rendition of portraying Jesus.........very well done too, I may add.....Excerpts of it are being shown in our church preceeding the message brought by the pastor. Yes, I was trying to remember where I'd seen him before and Yes, it was in LOST episodes!!! ST from OHIO


I saw this before my preacher did a message a few Sundays ago. I sit with one of my friends and her family normally, and we are both huge Lost fans. And, I realized it was Desmond about 2 seconds in and leaned over and asked her if she agreed. We had to hold in giggles for the rest of the clip (the one about the Samaritan woman at the well, if anyone cares), which was a real shame, since it was a great performance. I agree that he's a wonderfully heartfelt Jesus.
