MovieChat Forums > Marton Csokas Discussion > New Marton casting - 'Sons of Liberty'

New Marton casting - 'Sons of Liberty'

Great news! Marton has been cast in a new History Channel miniseries called 'Sons of Liberty': miniseries-709275

Yay to seeing Marton in 18c military outfits! Even if he will be playing a Brit trying to quash the beginning of the American Revolution...


Great stuff! Of course, it means that he's essentially in the role of "baddie" once more, but he does that rather well, so viva the baddies!



He could do well as General Gage.

The looks are close enough. And Gage was a decent sort--he wanted to end the rebellion but he wasn't bloodthirsty. I hope they get the marriage right--his wife played an interesting part in the tale; but the incomplete casting info here only shows his "mistress."
