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A Slander on Christianity

He was acting like a textbook narcissist. Everything was all about him. My guess was that he wouldn't buy another car. That would give him less control over his wife. He shouldn't have to be "boxed in" by being left at the house with no way to freely go where he wanted, but that was just perfect for his wife.

But that's Steven Crowder's problem. His wife is gone, they're getting a divorce, and this, I suppose, was her way of destroying his professional life.

Sadly, the usual idiots are making their sweeping generalizations: "This is what women are signing up for with conservative Christians." Crowder actually seems more libertarian, and you can see from outer space that he's not a Christian. He goes to church. He knows all the right words. He watches all the "right" movies. His church probably has a killer rock band "worship team." And he can quote scripture out of context. For people who don't open a Bible, he passes for being Christian. But there are criteria for being a Christian. Men, for instance, are told to love their wives as Christ loved the Church (Eph. 5:25-33) and men who don't treat their wives right will have their prayers hindered (1Peter 3:7).

Famous people who hold themselves up as Christians are often the only "Bible" many people read. Crowder has been a slander on Christianity.


The Church has done inexcusable things also The Attack of the LGBTQIA+ Community is The Modern Salem Witch Trials also The Third Crusade is an example of Christian Nationalism I serve the True Christian God of Love, You serve the False Christian God of HATE .


You might want to try cracking a Bible sometime. You don't get to make up your own god with its own idea of what is and isn't sin. When you speak of Christianity, there's only one kind -- biblical.

One of the things I'll never understand is why some people expect God owes them unending applause. It's not just that God should love you enough to send His Son to pay the full pardon for your sin -- and every reasonable person realizes they've sinned. But you don't think it's real love unless it's unqualified approval! As if God should be on His throne applauding your every move or He just doesn't love you! That's the way spoiled children think.

When I say Church with a capital C, I mean it in the Biblical sense. There are denominations, one which styles itself as the capital C "Church" that has engaged in outrageous crimes throughout the centuries, then claims it's always been God's representative on earth. You'd expect God's representative to follow God's rules. Christians are only to preach the truth and pray for the lost, not hunt them down, put the on the rack, burn them at the stake, or any of the other examples of man's inhumanity to man.

The Church I speak of is the one made up of true believers of any denomination. They need only believe what Christ explained to Nicodemus in John 3. They have a relationship with Jesus Christ, preach the true gospel of Christ, and pray for those who hate them -- even if they hate them in the name of your "True Christian God of Love," who doesn't seem to have anything to do with the one of the Bible...which is where information about the real Lord Jesus Christ can be found.


Wow, what a sad wanker you are, Destinata.

Newsflash: THERE IS NO GOD, Jesus was just some normal human dude who said good things and was nailed to a tree for it, and the Bible is just another fictional storybook, and not a very good one at that, unless you count the sex and violence and masses of contradictions.

If I'm going to Hell, as you're no doubt going to reply, then I'm all for it. I can equip myself with an arsenal of weapons and shoot the demons dead Doom-style, and it will be a much livelier place than boring Heaven, anyway, where all you do is water pot plants and talk to a God, whom, somehow, in this vast universe of diverse lifeforms, resembles a human, or so you all say. BORING!


Newsflash: THERE IS NO GOD

As an agnostic/atheist (depending on mood), I can say you may be or might be exactly right, but you can't definitively say that for sure. No one can one way or the other.

As an atheist, I have trouble reconciling that *anything* exists. There should be nothing and yet here we are. And yes, I am aware that any god shouldn't exist either.


I'm agnostic and definitely atheism is a no go. There is someone or some being out there more advanced than us that we would deem 'god' like. Just look what humans can already create. If chimps can think similar to our basic thought process, they'd think we're gods.


If you want to believe in The Force, or that Middle Earth is real, no one's going to get angry with you. Say you believe the Bible and love God, and folks will come at you, spittle flying, and calling you all sorts of names. πŸ˜‚

Here's what's truly hilarious -- anything you could call me, and anything you could say about my faith, could not possibly be as bad as what I used to say to ministers to their face. No one's born a Christian, and I was about as rabidly anti-Christian a person you'd be likely to meet. You haven't actually read the Bible as is painfully obvious, otherwise you'd know that your fantasy of the place bears no resemblance to the "outer darkness" that Christ describes.

BTW, the Bible doesn't describe God. It doesn't even describe Jesus Christ, except that He doesn't look like a movie star:

"And when we see Him,
There is no beauty that we should desire Him." Isaiah 53:2b

You've apparently read it just enough to satisfy that throbbing confirmation bias of yours.

Anyway, you never know what twists and turns your life might take. Anyone who'd known me in my 20's and 30's would have been certain 1) I'd never quit smoking; and 2) I'd never be a Christian. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


"If you want to believe in The Force, or that Middle Earth is real, no one's going to get angry with you. Say you believe the Bible and love God, and folks will come at you, spittle flying, and calling you all sorts of names. πŸ˜‚"

I know that the Force and Middle-Earth are FICTIONAL, and so is the stuff in the Bible. The sooner people realise that, the better.

"No one's born a Christian, and I was about as rabidly anti-Christian a person you'd be likely to meet."

No, but they're raised that way by deluded parents who want to carry on such crap, a vicious cycle in general.

"You haven't actually read the Bible as is painfully obvious"

I did try, from the start, but it read as incredibly old-fashioned and boring, as well as making so many assumptions and stating silly things as if they were facts. Arrogance in the extreme.


As I said, when it comes to attacking Christianity, you're a piker compared to what I used to do. What most people mistake for Christianity is religion and denominations. If you lot don't know the difference, then your arguments aren't going to make any more sense than, "Christianity BAAAD!"


I don't like firm or even casual belief in things that cannot be proven to exist and people wasting their lives praying to them and worshipping them in the hope of getting to some "better afterlife", when that has not been proven to exist either way, neither. People should live their lives to the best of their ability NOW, just in case there is nothing but oblivion later on.


Your description of Christian life doesn't resemble the road-tested version I know.

I can't prove God to you in a way that would satisfy you. I see the intelligent design all around me, but you don't. That's free will for you. Were I able to prove God to you, knowing Him wouldn't require faith. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God," (Rom. 10:17), but you -- and 75% of the church-goers I know -- have a real aversion to reading Scripture. That's why Jesus is so skeptical about finding much in the way of faith in the latter days (Luke 18:8). Faith is so weak in believers these days that one can easily see that image of Christ knocking on the door of the Laodicean Church (Rev. 3:20), begging to get in.

Not that they don't make a big show of their religion. Back to Crowder, I'm sure he can be counted on to make a show of praying, for example. But people look at his life online, and he needs to denounce that, not justify it. Either that or get comfortable being compared with Pharisees and whited sepulchers.

I'll let you have the last word. I hadn't intended this thread to be a justification of believers, but a non-justification of make-believers like Crowder. I hear his "excuse" is that his wife is bipolar and had to go off her meds for her pregnancy, so naturally he has the right to treat her like a dog that soiled the carpet. Not quite loving her as Christ loved those He died for. I know you don't believe any of the biblical references, but Crowder claims he does. If nothing else, he should be held to standing for the beliefs he claimed to believe in, not just the few, cherry-picked verses he was using with which to berate his wife.


So all the ugly people are in the image of god and anyone beautiful and sex are just Satan tricking you? KEK!


If that's what they taught you in church, I don't blame you for not believing them. That sounds stupid.


They hold on to antiquated views that only church people are conservative while they pray at the woke altar


Thank you so much for doing this .


Around here, it's difficult to tell if anyone's being sincere. But if you are, you're welcome.

Some want to turn this into a debate on Christianity. I guess you could sum up their arguments with, "You can't slander Christianity." That's their opinion. Like noses, everyone has one.
