MovieChat Forums > Bryan Cranston Discussion > Okay so he signed a pledge to make sure ...

Okay so he signed a pledge to make sure Trump doesn't become President..

Okay so now I am definitely not voting for Trump now. I just needed the opinions of out of touch Hollywood actors to make that decision. Thank you. 

[I'm being sarcastic BTW]

PS Hollywood stars getting involved in politics like this, taking a stand against people with different political opinions makes me want to support my candidate even more, not less.


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I'm not a Trump supporter. I will be voting for Gary Johnson. However I do love when people decry Trump for lying yet support Hillary when she has a career of lying including about a year long FBI investigation where she only avoided indictment because she is a powerful person.

However, the Republicans are really stupid for nominating Trump. Had they nominated someone else this would be a close election with a possible gop victory. Instead they nominate the only candidate that has no chance and it has turned what would have been a winnable election into a Democratic party landslide victory.


^ Bullseye!


Why would you even vote at all? It's meaningless.


I agree with you 100%! Huge mistake by uneducated Republican primary voters. I follow politics & was baffled with so many of my friends who said they were voting in the primaries, yet they hadn't watched even one debate. They listened to the stupid media. Kasich, Cruz, Rubio and so many others would be winning this election because they aren't ignorant pigs, like Trump! Just sad.


LOL. Now I love him even more. 😍 Bryan is such a great actor & I'm a huge BB fan. I am also a Republican, but I don't agree with much of anything that comes out of Trump's mouth, so I definitely won't be voting for him. I knew Cranston was a liberal. I don't like it when celebrities try to shove their views down our throats, like Susan Sarandon does, but I don't see any problem with what Bryan did at all.


I'm not a Trump supporter. I will be voting for Gary Johnson
That's silly. You might as well stay home on election day. I agree with you on 3rd party tickets. As a more or less libertarian social liberal/fiscal conservative, I usually like them better also.
I know the moral high ground is to vote where your conscience takes you. But to waste a trip to the polling station to throw away my vote, basically handing it to the established opposition is truly fruitless.
With the broken, corrupt system we're stuck with at the moment, you need to vote the lesser of two evils. Because the others will NEVER WIN. On rare occasions they may steal a local position. But never a presidency. Last I heard they were all single digits.
You can say you're setting an example or voting in protest. Nobody is listening. Nobody has been listening for the past 200 years. All the independent runners do is split the party's vote that they are most aligned with. Doing then no good.

If you're planning on voting Johnson, PLEASE hold your nose and vote Trump. Any other vote is a vote for another four years of failure and marginalization.
