Washed up has-been Cranston is moving to Canada. Because Trump will win
Washed up has-been Cranston is moving to Canada. Because Trump will win.
But he will surely take money from Trump voters because liberals LOVE money
Washed up has-been Cranston is moving to Canada. Because Trump will win.
But he will surely take money from Trump voters because liberals LOVE money
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sharePretty much everyone loves money...
shareCranston should do a principled thing and give away his fortune to poor kids in Africa
shareScrew all these gutless liberal celebrities and we know that none of these hypocritical POS would walk the walk.
shareWell...get the F out, b/c Trump won.
shareDrumpf may have won but he's still a moron and so are all of his supporters. You're all hopeless! LOL
shareYour smartest woman in the world Hillary lost to a moron? Wow, Hillary must be really disgusting