So annoying

He epitimises whats wrong with modern British entertainment....he is continually cast in films/shows despite having no acting talent, does a lot of comedy despite being as funny as a hernia and looks like a beanbag full of lard thats been kicked around a pigsty. Seriously....its time for him to just go away.


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Couldn't agree more.


Why are people still giving him work!?
He has never had any talent as an actor or as a TV host.
If he was handsome I'd get it, but he's just a fat Cockney bore. He's even worse than Al Murray. He's fat and proud yet gets involved in major charity football events - he should be the ball.


I can't understand why he still gets work either!


All I can think is that this is some stealth PR by the butter and lard industry to counteract years of health food campaigning in the US. Also, his lame and painfully ingratiating 'comedy act' is probably intended to at least make Americans hate the British less, even if it means just pitying them instead. Like retards. Fat retards. Who don't know how to catch the bus.
