Completely cut off Chiwetel Ejiiofor MID conversation
Anyone watch the the episode that aired Feb 11th few days back with Chiwetel Ejiofor?
Chiwetel was telling a funny story of how he couldn't get a ketchup bottle open, and just before he could say the punchline Corden kept interrupting him and started making it all about himself and Chiwetel tried at least 6 or 7 times to finish the story but Corden continued to talk over him and ignore him and began to pass around ketchup bottles to the rest of the guests on the couch, trying to be funny. But it wasn't, It was just plain awkward. This man does not have a funny bone in his body nor the social skills that come with being a talk show host.
Please for the love of GOD, get him OFF the air!
Why would you do this to us Craig Ferguson??! Why??! We was pals!