MovieChat Forums > Noel Clarke Discussion > He played the comic relief in Doctor Who

He played the comic relief in Doctor Who

Some moron called Mickey, who did bugger all on the show but be a comedic foil for everyone else.

If only everyone knew what a fucking SCUMBAG the actor was. I know now I'll never watch NuWho again.


"I know now I'll never watch NuWho again."

As if you haven't said that a million times already.


I meant I didn't like the later stuff, namely Moffat and especially Chinballs, but now even RTD's era has been soured by that git Mickey.

At least I'll have Classic Who, where nothing was offensive and it was objectively better anyway.


I think you can still watch if you choose to.

I know a lot struggle with things like this e.g. Author turned out to be racist, homophobic etc.

Some people don't like to separate the art from the artist but I feel it can be done. For example I enjoy the usual suspects even though I've not seen it in years and I can enjoy it even though Kevin spacey turned out not to be a nice person


I find it hard to watch Tom Cruise in a few movies because I know he's a Scientologist and I despise that crap, but I try to think of his characters rather than him. Same for Giovanni Ribisi, Wade in Saving Private Ryan and that villain guy in Avatar.


I suppose the problem is we often put celebrities on a pedestal and then get shocked when we realise they are just like us, sometimes even lower


You say some of the most moronic shit...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


