MovieChat Forums > Ricardo Chavira Discussion > Carlos is dead. -Gabriel 2x22

Carlos is dead. -Gabriel 2x22

Gabriel said ''Carlos is dead''. Well, is he dead?!


Spoilers for third season say the Solises experiance martial problems that are as tragic as they are comedic. That's a pretty good indication that he's alive and kicking :)

~Roaming Tigress~


no she thought he was dead because he went somewhere and she saw on tv that there was an accident and she thought he had died, but he didn't. dont worry :-)


and also if carlos was really dead, the desperate housewives people would NOT put that big of a spoiler in the commerical.

that would be like seeing the famous and loveable character denny die (from grey's anatomy) in a commercial. they just wouldn't do that.


well, if anyone watched the entire episode it was kind of obvious that HE WASN'T DEAD when Gabriel walked into the house and Carlos was sitting right there!!! Then stated that he had paid the other guy to work for him that day.............

Stress is when you wake up screaming and then you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet.
