Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks she can't act
I just watched S. Darko and man, this girl is horrible. I've watched Big Love since the beginning and always hated her as Rhonda and just figured she played the character well. Now I watch her as Sam and her style is exactly the same, deplorable. It's not that she's a "hatable" character as Sam, she's just a horrid actress. Completely flat and one dimensional. Watching her feels like I'm watching a high school acting class. Her emotions are so forced that her character is completely unbelieveable. And don't respond that "the director meant it that way" - this is just good, old fashioned bad acting.
It's rare for me to comment on here at all, let alone to come and put a negative comment up about an actor, but I had to come to this page to see if I'm the only one that feels as though watching her is like watching a train wreck.
The movie was all right, not great, just all right. If you aren't a Donnie Darko fan it would probably be horrid. Either way, this girl has long way to go before she's going to get any better roles than a direct-to-video B sci-fi spinoff.