MovieChat Forums > Daveigh Chase Discussion > She must hate Kristen Stewart

She must hate Kristen Stewart

Ive never paid much attention to Daveigh but i finally read her profile and she auditioned for Panic Room and Into The Wild and BOTH times lost out to Kristen..gotta suck...wonder if she auditioned for Bella in Twilight aswell lol


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ROTFL! jajaja kristen's a better actress :D *runs away*


I always though that too, then I searched Daveigh's blog and she actually mentioned it

"i would be lying if i said i didn't want every role i auditioned for, otherwise why would i waste my time? but there were some that stood out, that i really really did want and was so close and even thought i might get... but unfortunately i didn't :( one was to play robin williams dtr in rv, that singer girl got the part...another was for movie panic room, i was 1 of a few girls up for it, lost it to hayden panettiere who is on heroes now, but she got fired from the movie i was told, and i was then up for it again but this time lost it to kristen stewart.... so it wasn't meant to be.... and another film that hasn't come out yet, i was one of a few girls who met w/ director sean penn but again lost out to kristen stewart, go figure lol and then there are guest roles on tv shows haha the list could go on....... :)"

Twilight Group, Please join!


Screw Kristen. Daveigh got to meet Jake Gyllenhaal.


"that singer girl" lol, her name is Jojo.


Who cares? "Twilight" blows, it's a blatant rip-off of "The Lost Boys."
