MovieChat Forums > Kyle Chandler Discussion > What I like about Kyle Chandler

What I like about Kyle Chandler

Been enjoying this guy since Early Edition, and I've figured out a lot of what it is that I like about him... he's got the air of a classic film actor, the temperament and character of James Stewart, or Christopher Reeve, that likeability, you can't help but like the guy. You just don't see too many like him come down the pike.




Completely agree. He just comes off as very refined. I googled some pictures of him when he was younger. Very handsome and distinguished looking. He still is. I don't think I've ever not liked him in a movie. I got hooked on Friday Night Lights, not even being a football fan.


My sentiments exactly. Even when Eric Taylor's being an ass, I can always forgive him. Kyle Chandler does a wonderful job portraying that character.
& Early Edition has always been one of my favorite shows.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


When was he an ass? I wish i was more like his character on fnl.


He's right up there with Jimmy Stewart for me too. A classy guy all his years in show business. I've adored him on all his shows starting with "Tour of Duty", then "Homefront", "'Early Edition" ,"What About Joan" & "Friday Nights Lights". I did watch a show where his chracter was an asss. It was an NBC prime time soap drama called "The Lyon's Den" (2003). Unfortunately like "What About Joan", it had a short run before it got cancelled.



Tour of Duty was a great show.



Yes it was.



He's been acting even before Early Edition. I think he started on Homefront somewhere in the early 90's. Awesome show on ABC. Great actor! And easy on the eyes.


I was just gonna go with everything but the posts on here say the same thing I was thinking. One of a kind for sure.
