Looks so Fake?

I never found her attractive. I am checking out her imdb board and everyone is going on about how hot she looks and how pretty she looks. i personally don't get it. She doesn't have big boobs or a nice round butt. So her body doesn't have a WOW factor to it like for example j.lo's body & her face always seems to look Fake. I don't know what it is about her face. But it just screams Fake to me. It looks like she is either always wearing wayyy too much make up or had too much plastic surgery or something. I can't pinpoint what it is about her face that makes me think it looks fakish. That to me doesn't look HOT. For me Hot and attractive is Natural beauty.

Also checking out her pictures on IMDB. She seems to do the same poses and same facial expressions and same smile in most of her pictures. that makes her appear like she's putting on an act to act all happy and smiley face. Again.. it screams fake.
The only picture of her on IMDB that doesn't look fake is


BTW i ain't hating or trolling. Just curious and wanting to know other ppls opinions.


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When I read your post, I thought you were a guy until I saw your username. The first thing you think about when wondering if someone is pretty is if they have big boobs and a round butt?! Are you sure you're female?
Sarah Chalke is a pretty woman. She has awesome hair and a beautiful nose & mouth. Her eyes aren't too great, but she makes up for them with her nice smile. She doesn't look like a model, but she's definitely pretty. And she's always seemed very natural to me. She's not afraid to do or say embarassing stuff in front of the camera, especially compared to other good-looking actresses. She seems really nice and down-to-earth in interviews, too. You should check out Scrubs episodes from the 1st and 2nd season, she looks SO natural and cute in those.


Yes I agree with all you said. She is beautiful in the same way that Teri Garr, Julia Louis-Dreyfus & Goldie Hawn are. They might not fit a certain type, but they are charasmatic and funny. All those gifts add up to much more than just T&A. I love "Elliot". Even when she bugged me, she reminds me of one of my friends. Crazy but sweet. Sarah is awesome!
Also she is multi-lingual. I wish I were!!!


Her eyes aren't too great

I actually like her eyes.

This is getting too serious! Kick her! Kick her in the head!


You not finding her attractive is more due to the fact that you're a girl, I think, than to her actual attractiveness. Didn't that occure to you?
