MovieChat Forums > Jimmy Carter Discussion > Won't see a Republican go to door to doo...

Won't see a Republican go to door to door witnessing for Jesus Christ EVER



Uh, I think most people going door to door witnessing to people are Republicans.

P.S. I don't hate him. By all accounts, he was a decent guy, just a terrible president.


Wrong in almost every way that matters. A lot of people, myself included, think that Carter was not only an extremely bad president, we also think that the image of him as this great and noble, humanitarian ex-president is overblown. Carter was anti-Israel to an absurd degree, and entirely too chummy with Yasser Arafat, the terrorist, and even his own secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, admitted that if Carter had had a second term, he would have sold Israel down the river. Also, Carter was known to interfere with, and outright oppose the policies of sitting U.S. presidents after he was out of office, annoying Bill Clinton on Haiti and North Korea, and his actions bordered on treasonous during Geo. H.W. Bush's presidency, when he wrote members of the U.N. Security Council urging them to thwart the Bush administration’s effort to build a coalition against Saddam Hussein to drive him out of Kuwait.

All that said, I am not aware of anyone who ever questioned the sincerity of Carter's faith. But you see, people, "MAGA people" included, can think a man sincere in his beliefs and his religious faith, and at the same time hold him in disregard -- without hating him mind you -- because they believe him to be an utter fool. That about sums up how many if not most conservatives feel about Jimmy Carter.


He was a horrible human being, everyone should hate him.


Which "Jesus"? He believed in a false Jesus. He was a proponent for gay marriage, a Biblical oxymoron.
He believed in Universalism, that faith in Christ alone is not necessary to be saved and his favourite song was John Lennon's "Imagine", a song that is positively Anti-Christian.
