MovieChat Forums > Steve Carell Discussion > Steve please be GADGET!!!!

Steve please be GADGET!!!!

Dear Steve,

Because of the f** ups made in the past this childhood hero of mine deserves a reboot that stays true to the cartoon with a few technological updates.
Your the only actor I can see as Gadget, this part is made for you!!!!
Penny should be someone new because of her age but I would've liked Chloë Grace Moretz for the part! The Movie will also need a superb CGI Brain with Andy Serkiss as the actor and James Earl Jones as Dr. Claw's voice!!
Direction Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud or Matthew Vaughn and the movie will be a franchise success...

! know you will never read this and it will probably never happen but one can dream...

Best regards


I believe he would make a great inspector, good idea!

In the land of time, the no-eyed man is king.


ya, good idea, man.
