I saw this yesterday and between work/writing/watching my Spurs play basketball and other stuff, I didn't have time to respond
so here goes
everyone here is/seems to be highly critical of him,his manner of speaking/how he speaks (someone mentioned he might have a slight speech impediment, if he does that would account for talking to one side of his mouth), his acting or lack thereof ability, his choice of scripts, his physicality and his physical appearance, how he continues to work with overall poor box office, his fronting products
for myself, I don't care how an actor looks as beauty or handsomeness is in eye of the beholder. (Alright, alright, I admit I find Tom Hardy incredibly sexy lol). My aunt told me growing up, you age the way you want.
I didn't follow him since PS I Love You (remembered the ads/poster seemed a bit maudlin to me, generating no interest) or Phantom or 300- I tagged along with my brother to see 300 and my mom and I saw Phantom 1) we were unable to see the original Broadway production with Crawford and Brightman and 2) my mom reasoned how bad could this cast ruin this beautiful music? We were very much surprised at how beautiful he sounded (capturing the wounded vulnerability of the Phantom), singing Music of the Night. Sometimes when I can't sleep, I listen to him/Brightman/Mathis. I find him comforting to listen to. His version of L.A. Woman doesn't compare with Morrison's- the band I grew up alongside of) but its infectious fun.
In looking at his filmography, I had seen him in few other things and he was just there for me/or failed to register altogether. Sometimes when I am intrigued by an actor, I will look to see what other things he has done (thanks Computerbunny for recommending Dear Frankie- he was tenderly effective and HeadHunter's Calling. Am looking foward to the latter if only to see him as a totally different "badass" ). Sometimes you like an actor in one role and not in others. To each his own.
I've a different perspective of him than most here as I work at a local film studio and have tried to share some insight into how studios work. Critical approbation is/can be important/Oscar noms and acknowledgment by one's peers is/maybe crucial to how one measure's success. The bottom line is earning money and making profit. And there have been a few times when Butler's work has fuffilled that requirement.
"The self is the person who sees it"- William Hurt