A Fun Franchise
I doubt it will happen, but Burroughs has a vast body of work, all of which would translate into a great film franchise. It wouldn't be the worst thing if they did cross the stories over a bit, despite each series, for the most part, anyway, existing in its own "universe." Tarzan did visit Pellucidar, so who's to say that Carson and Carter couldn't arrange some sort of Venus-Mars crossover? In any event, simply from the books you've got the potential for a 7-film Pellucidar series, a 10-film Mars series, and a 5-film Venus series, not to mention a trilogy each for Caspak and the Moon, and some one-offs like Beyond the Farthest Star, The Lost Continent, and The Monster Men.
You've also got Tarzan, star of 25 books himself, and a potential crossover into the 5-book Jungle series.
Again, Hollywood will either never do it, or they'll do it the way they've done the aborted attempts in the past-- poorly-- but it ERB's books COULD be fun movies in the right hands.