MovieChat Forums > Connie Britton Discussion > Her Looks vs Her Age Only An Issue In Ho...

Her Looks vs Her Age Only An Issue In Hollyweird

There's been a lot of talk here about how old Connie Britton looks in her most recent shows. Only in the shallow world of Hollywood is this an issue. And BTW, my guess is, despite the number of men here who have been posting about how she looks older than her current age of 46 or 47, that if Miss Britton were to approach them in a bar, they'd be all over her. Only in their dreams, of course. It must suck being an attractive actress in Hollywood. You simply aren't allowed to age normally like every other schlub on the planet. You either get grief from the business or from the public if you happen to not appear 25-years old for your entire career. There was a story in the Hollywood press not too long ago about Kristen Stewart dropping out of a film because Will Smith was being cast as her love interest. Stewart claimed that she was dropping out because she thought that the age gap between the two of them would not be believable. I call BS on that one, BTW, and think something else is going on (?) because prior to Will Smith, Ben Affleck was cast in the same role and both men are nearly the same age, as well as being about 20 years older than Stewart. But isn't it weird that Hollywood always pairs up a 40-something leading man with a 20-something lead actress? Almost never does the lead couple in a movie happen to be the same age. Anyway...People will say, "Well, that's just how Hollywood works. They have to put attractive people on the screen or no one will watch." And to that I say, "Not ALL of us are shallow morons."

I, for one, happen to think Connie Britton looks stunning. I've always liked her, going all the way back to her first credited film role in The Brothers McMullen. I'm in my early 40s and I'm not currently involved, but I sure wouldn't want my girlfriend or wife to feel so insecure about her looks that she would resort to cosmetic surgery or other artificial means of appearing young. Gimme real over fake any day. Allow nature to take its course.


She looks well in age, not botoxed or as plastic doll. And on Nashville she looks great at 46, see recent photo from show -


Yep. Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. And ya know, if Connie Britton were to go and do those sorts of things, get botox, have plastic surgery, I couldn't blame her for that. For one thing, it's HER body. Nobody else, save members of her own family perhaps, should have a say in that. And the other thing is, the pressure in Hollywood to look young must be enormous. Who's to say that you or I would be able to resist such pressure?

But it looks like she's NOT doing such things, and good for her. I hope she fights the Hollywood stereotype.

Thanks for weighing in, arofficial.


And Hollywood producers recently cast her, 46 year old actress as female lead in Warner Bros.'s comedy 'This Is Where I Leave You'. She plays old cougar as love interes for young Adam Driver.


Jaybone, I wish there were a way to super "like" your comment because I thought you did a great job in telling off these people who have the nerve to bash a beautiful and naturally aging woman. I would rather more women be like Connie rather than like Courtney Cox. The latter spent large amount of money to not look old and her plastic surgery makes her unbearable to watch on an otherwise delightful show "Cougar Town." Courtney looked beautiful older before her surgeries and should have taken note from how Connie has handled it. So thank you Jaybone for showing the beauty of aging and the fact that Connie is beautiful regardless of age.


Thank you, but I shouldn't be considered special for those thoughts. Judging from your comments too, there are plenty of people like us out there. I just wish they'd speak up more here on these forums. The bottom line is most plastic surgery looks obvious, if not plain WEIRD. Nobody should bother to endeavor to do what amounts to body mutilation. Take care!



I agree. Connie still looks terrific now.

I'm amazed if anyone really can honestly prefer overly plastic, duck-lipped, fake looking women.


Connie is a very sexy "older" woman (even though she's not that old.. do we call Brad Pitt an "older" man?). It comes naturally to her. People are uncomfortable with this because women her age don't usually "make it" late in the game like she did. Gender stereotypes will always exist, bashing will always occur. It sucks, but that's the reality faced by women.


she is hot regardless of what her age is. botox cannot make someone hot.

people who could have looked good as they got older but got too crazy with surgery:

mary tyler moore
bruce jenner

meh, don't need to type out that list. fine if it makes you feel better i guess, but in the imdb era, we know your age, so why "hide" it?
