What a tragic death

I just looked him up today after rewatching GII. I had no idea he died so tragically


Belated RIP. Al Neri was an epic, understated, but entirely memorable performance.


Hmm, Richard Bright (68) was hit by a bus in 2006 and was dead before he arrived at the hospital. That's of course sad. But sorry, I don't understand what's "tragic" about it.


Morons think that every death is tragic. They reflexively put the adjective in front of “death.”

I don’t think Hitler’s death was tragic at all. I think it was funny.


If you were healthy and 68 years old would you want to be struck by a bus and killed?

Tragic. Nothing "reflexively" here. Also, I'm a genius. RIP


Hahaha...yah, agreed (reflexively). ☺

And also agreed that Hitler's death wasn't tragic.
But "funny"?!...he didn't deserve the Darwin Award.
I need to think about that one. 🤔​
