MovieChat Forums > Jordana Brewster Discussion > What the heck happened to her good looks...

What the heck happened to her good looks?

She used to be stunning, now her face has had hardened and thined out and she looks like a darker Helen Hunt aged and all.

Streep has another 20 years to win another 2 Oscars, go bitch go.


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I was about to come and say the same thing. I'm watching the first season of Dallas so that I can watch the second and from the nose up, she looks like Jordana Brewster. But from the top lip down, she looks like someone else. She hardly looks the same at all. It's like she has false teeth and they are protruding out or something. I thought maybe it's because she's lost weight. She's always been a small girl, but gee whiz...she's like skeletor thin. I think she's still beautiful and all. I love her dark eyes, but she just...doesn't look like herself.


She's not eating enough so she's lost way too much weight, and she also smokes cigarettes...


Too skinny, plus she had her teeth done, so they stick out


I was thinking exactly the same thing, just saw her in The Fast & Furious 6 and thought it was the same actress from The Faculty. Just came on here to confirm that.

She was so gorgeous in The Faculty, I know she was 18 then, so obviously that has a lot to do with it, but she just doesn't look the same. The lower half of her face has become so sallow and emaciated looking, she's lost too much weight.

Plus I personally look hotter now then I ever did at 18, so that's no excuse! ;p

"I am nobody's bitch! You are mine"


she needs to get back to the weight she was in Annapolis and Fast 4- after that she got super skinny and she has gotten thinner between Fast 5 & 6.


yeah, she looks like really thin like she is sick or something.
