MovieChat Forums > Julie Bowen Discussion > Leave the kid alone.

Leave the kid alone.

Take aim at Trump if you want, but taking a cheap shot at a TEN YEAR OLD is not fun and frankly way too mean girl for a grown woman. The picture where he has his hands to his face, he's playing peekaboo with the baby, for Heaven's sake.

Get a life and get over your vapid Hollywood self.

Honestly, I love Modern Family, love the movies, but with this kind of crap and all the other self-satisfied smug Hollywood elite telling people how to live, how to think makes me want to chuck you all. It's *beep* so grow up.


I hope he is protected from the media as much as possible.
At least I feel sure that his father will try.
They are afraid of him but if they push these headlines, they will be sealing their fate.



Progressives love to claim moral high ground, but underneath the "tolerant" surface they loathe anything that strays from the libtard orthodoxy, children, family and spouses be damned.

I don't think this woman is any worse than the typical run of the mill libtard, she just got caught up in the moment and mistook (as libs often do) that everyone else online shares the values of their echo chamber.

Their type is always sorry at the moment they get caught, not before and not after. Same goes for that SNL hack that got called out for calling the kid a "home school shooter".

But you can trust this synonym for a she dog would go ballistic if someone singled out her own kids for ridicule online.


She didn't say anything bad!! Stop pretending to be outraged. Can't you put all your anger and seething hatred into something worthwhile? You could actually make a difference then.
By the way, I'm not a fan of the actress or do a give a *beep* America decided to elect that guy, I just hate that people seem to lose their minds over stupid, trivial crap while keep quiet about somethings that actually MATTER!
She didn't bully anyone, get over yourself.



Tell me ONE FUCKING THING that could possibly matter more than the dignity and respect of a CHILD and/or a member of the neurodivergent community?

Wow! You've got REALLY fucked-up priorities. ๐Ÿ˜ 


She didn't say anything bad!!

Are you kidding me? She ridiculed a child, took screenshots of him during the entire inaguration, and made him a punching bag in retaliation for his father's political agenda. To make matters worse, she is a mother herself, and should think like that before making such deplorable comments about an innocent 10 year old boy.

To me this has NOTHING to do with politics, and EVERYTHING to do with the welfare of children. These remarks weren't said in the privacy of her home, but for the entire nation to hear. If you don't understand how this could adversely affect him, well then, I am at a loss.


Tell me one thing she said that was deplorable. Do you understand what that big word means?


And do you know what could adversely affect him? His dad parading him in front of your entire nation and for the world to see. Walking him around in plain sight where he could easily be attacked. Stop jumping on the wagon pretending you're so extremely offended.
Tell me this. When Trump decides to drop a bomb on some unarmed civilians in the Middle East in the near future, are you going to travel there and tell the kid who's had his legs blown off that it could have been worse, a bad lady might have said you were playing on a gameboy and looked bored.
Spare me your hypocrisy.


Did anyone travel to the Middle East to comfort the victims when Obama bombed them? Singling out Trump is ignorant.


Trump droped fewer bombs than any president before him for the last 40 years. Don't let your butthurt bias make you look stupid too.


Liberalism is a mental disorder.


No, spare us YOUR hypocrisy.

I DETEST Trump, with a PASSION, *BEFORE* it was even fashionable to do so.

BUT attacking a CHILD for who their father is, is the height of wretchedness, and anyone who defends such CRUEL, BULLYING behaviour, by saying "But...but...Trump" is a worthless FUCKING hypocrite, and should be ASHAMED of themselves. ๐Ÿ˜ 

Also, Trump has done MANY bad things, but compared to recent Presidents, he's hardly a warmonger. It's one of his very few (only?) saving graces.
