MovieChat Forums > Matt Bomer Discussion > devastating day for gay families

devastating day for gay families

I may got shot down as a non-American raising this but I just want to say how sad I am for American LGBT families & individuals. I don't think that's off topic at a message board for an out gay actor & activist.

The Republican platform, and Trump's own position re same sex marriage is clearly for the end of same sex marriages. Whether this can or will be achieved maybe open to some question, are there any Republican politicians who would work to defend same sex marriage? Would the party allow that?

And how devastating it must be to know close family members who have supported politicians who wish to bring the end of your marriage. Simon's Texan nephews certainly fall into this category, I'm not sure about Matt's immediate family.


I am gutted, and frankly, frightened. Every minority in this country is now at far more risk, and life will become more difficult for the poor and the middle class. And this doesn't just affect the US, so of course non-Americans have a right to speak out. I cannot believe the amount of bigotry and hatred in this country.


Also as a non American looking in I'm in complete dismay. I'm so sorry about the gay marriage/family threat, I know Matt was very concerned, goodness knows how he must be feeling.

Here in the UK Brexit has already caused violence & bigotry, the whole world seems to be turning on itself. Just saddened....


It's given me the same sad feeling brexit did. Felt like a stranger in my country because I didn't really understand the reasons why.

UN action on lgbt rights already under threat from Africa, this result will finish it.

Can evolving public support/ acceptance for lgbt community lessen damage, influence Republican politicians, no evidence so far.

And other minorities, so sad.


I can't see how LGBT rights can be just 'taken' away. Surely it would be seen as a backward step. Nastiness, especially in politics, is unacceptable & has started coming across as incitement for others to take matters into their own hands.

Hopefully most of what has been said is fear mongering, unfortunately the seed from all the meaness of politics has been planted in some people's heads.


I'm Republican but have lgb in my family, best high school friend plus a grade school classmate who recently died from complications from Aids who lived in WeHo.
A classmate of mine, also Republican has a brother who is trans. Not all conservatives are against gay marriage. Trump is going to have advisors who will make him concentrate on the tax reform that's so badly needed.
There are always extremes in both parties but most Americans are conservative fiscally and Libertarian as far as social causes.
Rhetoric to stir a base to come out to vote is one thing. But we are all more alike than we are different.
The Donald will get a reality check when he meets Obama tomorrow and finds out what he can and can't accomplish.
People like me will defend people like Matt to preserve his right to marry.
On the other hand I'm glad Hilary lost because of her radical stance on abortion up til conception. Any of you with children should have been vocally against this.
I think everything will all settle down. Change of power does not happen til end of January.
Personally I'd feel safer having immigrants vetted. Remember 911 and the 19 men involved? How did they get into the country? It costs $465.00 for an entry application. For those who wish to enjoy our freedoms, it's a small price to pay. Job creation right there to vet, anyone who is bilingual will have a job.
We just need to be civil and respect each other's point of view.


We just need to be civil and respect each other's point of view


One person does not finalise legislation (thank-goodness). I guess it's a worrying time at the moment as change can be, but once calm resumes all will be clearer.


But the Republican party & politicians - as distinct from Republican voters/party members - has a very recent anti-LGBT track record, especially VP elect Mike Pence.

There have been recent (last few months) attempts by House Republicans to invalidate President Obama's executive order barring federal contractors from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Will Trump retain this?

"On his website, Pence declared “Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexuals as a ’discrete and insular minority’ entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities.”"

Pence also signed a "religious freedom" allowing discrimination against LGBT & he supports "conversion therapy". And while Trump maybe be dealing with tax etc Pence will need some project to occupy his time.

I can well imagine many LGBT Americans don't feel respected by & calm about the Republican party (as distinct from individual Republicans) dominating 3 branches of government.


I've never been more ashamed of my country in my life and I've lived through the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war, Watergate and Reagan's shameful administration and the AIDS epidemic. I'm just too heartbroken to muster up a hopeful response.
