MovieChat Forums > Matt Bomer Discussion > Wow... IMDB... so disappointed. ...

Wow... IMDB... so disappointed. ...

I really enjoy coming here to converse with fellow fans and I do so without my real name for a reason. I am not adept at twitter and don't feel comfy using my personal Facebook for fangirling since it's attached to my business fb account.

Do others here get on IMDB Facebook and Twitter? I'd never even thought to look for IMDB there. Is the experience the same as here?


Virgo, didn't quite understand your message but then I read the announcement, how v sad. I don't FB or other social media, can't be bothered but I did enjoy discussing and sharing here. And on other boards for other films and actors. But there is a huge amount of trolling on other boards. Ce la vie.


Awww  Nooooo! What a damn shame totally would not have expected this.

I know what you mean tho some of the boards are harsh, why some people can't just have a friendly chat & debate....*Shakes head*


So IMDB facebook or twitter doesn't have a message platform for each actor/film? Patrons can only comment on the various items IMDB posts (meaning it could be weeks between items about Matt)? Am I understanding correctly?


They seem to be saying people are moving more towards twitter/Facebook which I personally don't care for.

It's for leaving little comments on when imdb post about events - hardly having a conversation like on here!

I've been on the links to have a look and honestly don't think I'll be bothering!


Damn. Guess I am not alone with this being my one fangirl site to communicate. I don't do facebook.

It doesn't seem there would be any sort of dedicated platform via facebook or twitter--just the infinite possibilities of all things movie related.

In the big scheme of things, well you know, it is not that big of a deal. But it really does feel like a loss. Fangirling/boying isn't something you can explain to someone outside that circle. it is affirming to see others understand, really understand this admiration and emotional attachment we all share.


In the big scheme of things, well you know, it is not that big of a deal. But it really does feel like a loss. Fangirling/boying isn't something you can explain to someone outside that circle. it is affirming to see others understand, really understand this admiration and emotional attachment we all share.



I know I don't really comment a lot, but this is the only imdb message board that I would genuinely miss.

If you all are relocating to another platform to exchange news and talk about Matt, I'd love to know where.


Hi la_air. :) Do you have any suggestions?

There are sites I frequent...

matt bomer fan. matt bomer UK fansite facebook. matt bomer italia. matt bomer fam twitter. and of course matt's twitter.

...but I've never noticed any type of message type board remotely like this on any of them.
