Tudors Season 3

How come she isn't in the opening credits for the tudors season 3? she has a bigger part than a lot of the other characters featured, I would say she's in the third season as much as sir francis, although he does have a fancy eye patch.


As she said in a recent interview, at first was a 5 days shooting role, and ended in a 3 years contract.

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That's because she's a REALLY good actress and they didn't want to lose her. With their current pattern, they would have gotten a slightly older actress to play Mary.

Mary is supposed to be in her mid-20s this season, and the actress who is playing a teenage Catherine Howard is 23, so they would probably want an actress in her late 20s instead of a 19-year-old. But Sarah is so great in the role that I don't think they could get someone better than her to play the part, even if she were an older, more experienced actress.
