MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Joe eyes Hollywood, signs with agency

Joe eyes Hollywood, signs with agency

Perhaps as a consultant for a biopic, focusing on his time as the leader of the free world?

Working titles could be 'A Drooling Idiot' or 'The Mumbling Fuckwit'.


If your movie needs a Dementia riddle Grandpa he's your guy.


or Weekend at Bernies 3.


Very likely about another memoir, which for most presidents is one of the ways to pay them off (another common way is speech fees), for the favours he did.

After he was off as vice president he received $11 million the first year, and $4 million the second year. We know that because he released his tax returns as a part of being presidential candidate, and it was reported by wall street journal.

I am sure he will be paid more since this time he was the president.


But this time around he won't remember any of the favors he did. Even if he did they could just give him monopoly money.

I guess that's what his carer/manager 'Dr'Jill is for.


None of those things needs to be done by him personally, his staffs could arrange everything including ghost writers.

He could be in a coma, and all these would still proceed, just like when he was the president.

If people he did favours for were not good for it, they would probably be blacklisted forever in political circle, or even worse, they could be investigated by both IRS and FBI, once they are in power again.
