MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > The dark ages of politics in the USA

The dark ages of politics in the USA

I think this era will go down as a political dark age. We haven't had a highly respected president since Reagan, and even he has been receiving newfound scrutiny and a negative reassessment from scholars who are viewing him a worse and worse president every year. Obama might've been the most respected since, but he's received an unlimited amount of flak and he too will probably go under a scholarly critical reassessment as a mediocre-at-best president. With this upcoming election preparing to another one of the worst in history, I really think the USA has been a fucked up spot for at least 25 years and is now at its boiling point.


Things have gone down hill in terms of discourse since 9/11 and the Bush years. I point the finger mostly at Obama for the many divides among the American people.


Obama was much better at unifying Americans than Trump or Bush Jr. Most of the people who feel different simply never wanted to be unified by Obama (I wonder why? Rhymes with “cin skolor”.) but I agree that Obama was a mediocre president who was hyped and hailed for mostly one reason (Rhymes with “cin skolor”.)


Obama was much better at unifying Americans than Trump or Bush Jr.

No he wasn't. Obama hates white people and every time there was a police shooting it always turned into a black vs. white issue at the time. Treyvon Martin, Freddy Grey, Michael Brown. Remember those names if it weren't for the race hate that Obama created Race relations wouldn't have reached the boiling point of where we are head now. We are pretty much living through Obama's third term under the Biden Regime.


Obama didn't hate white people at all, if anything he didn't do much to help out Black America. He basically slapped a bandaid over a lot of legitimate black issues and said "that should do the trick if you truly believe it" and it was rarely the solution to bigger problems. The Freddy Grey case definitely warranted anger because the Baltimore PD were proven to have lied about certain information and tried covering up aspects that led to his death; no reason a routine arrest should result in someone getting their spinal cord severed. Michael Brown's death was probably preventable too but I agree I wouldn't call it racially motivated. Not sure who Trayvon White is.


Treyvon Martin. The kid who got killed by Mexican and Black's tried to blame white people for it.


The country united to elect Obama, but then the powers that be freaked the fuck out from OWS and decided they'd better divide us along racial lines again. We started pointing our fingers at the rich bankers that start wars and profiteer off the poor, and they couldn't have that.
