MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > New Jobs Market Report Defies Expectatio...

New Jobs Market Report Defies Expectations Of January Slowdown

The US labor market smashed expectations last month in a surprise hiring pick-up, government data showed Friday, with a resilient jobs market likely good news for President Joe Biden in election year.

Also, this from today's NYTimes:
After lagging price growth early in Mr. Biden's term, wages are now rising faster than inflation. The economy grew 3.1 percent from the end of 2022 to the end of 2023, defying expectations, including robust growth at the end of the year. The inflation rate is falling toward historically normal levels.

The MAGA crowd, ever in denial, will no doubt be issuing cries of "fake news" and "The failing NYTimes." Sorry people.


More propaganda from the Loony Left.

Looking at the "reports" you will see when it comes to jobs created, Govt leads all sectors. Imagine a bloated corporation drowning in debt setting a record pace in adding... jobs.

It's the Democrat's plan, grow govt, not the economy.


Are we watching the same news? Every day, it seems some big company is dumping 10s of thousands of jobs lol...
