He's finished

Most unpopular POTUS in history , behind Donald Trump in polls even after multiple indictments, does anyone believe 80m people voted for Joe?


I won't believe it until the election of 2024 is over and hopefully Trump is reelected. In the mean time God help us in getting through the next year as America is being destroyed from the inside and its being done on purpose.


Joe Biden is like Captain Inflation. He's a wrecking ball smashing our economy.


Hey, at least he's doing what he's paid to do. Since he's nothing but an arm of the communist party of China.

But I'd vote for him because he's a family man. He sold out the country, caused thousands of deaths and homeless to provide a cushy life for his worthless children, so they can be above the law, molest any child they want to, money launder for daddy, and get jobs at foreign energy companies without any skills.


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.


Trump outsmarted you. how embarrassing! lol


[–] JoWilli (12029) an hour ago
Trump outsmarted you. how embarrassing! lol
Four Indictments and 91 charges based solely on DJT's words, actions, and corroborated by his own, staff, handlers, sycophants, and registered Republicans says otherwise. 👍

Yes, it will be very embarrassing for DJT to be convicted based on his own delusions.
