MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > G20 stops short of condemning Russia’s i...

G20 stops short of condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in joint declaration

Russia, as a member of the G20, would have to agree on any consensus statement on Ukraine. Russia and China had resisted stronger language in a final statement, making any kind of agreement difficult. No G20 summit has concluded without a joint declaration of some type.

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Oleg Nikolenko criticized the declaration.

“Ukraine is grateful to its partners who tried to include strong wording in the text,” he wrote on Facebook. “At the same time, the G20 has nothing to be proud of in the part about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Obviously, the participation of the Ukrainian side would have allowed the participants to better understand the situation. The principle of ‘nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine’ remains as key as ever.”

For Biden, it's okay to pour endless billions to Ukraine to win its unwinnable war -- while millions of Americans are struggling to survive financially.

So now let's hear the spin about how big time Joe really showed 'em over there, while bringing home the same results he could have obtained on a Zoom call. If we can't get general consensus at a local school board meeting, how does anyone expect to get leaders of 20 different nations to even agree on what to call things, let alone solve world problems. One more photo op for Biden, followed by another vacation. A great campaigner.


Over 500,000 homeless Americans last year. Fentanyl flooding into the country with 2.76 million illegal immigrants entering our country last year through a pretty much wide open border. And we're sending billions to Ukraine. Brandon's priorities are so backward.

Everything Trump said would happen is happening with Biden - cut oil production, lockdowns, inflation, and immigration amnesty. My health insurance bill is up to $650/month. My gas is up to $5.50 a gallon, grocery bill up big, my rent is $3000/month.

Thanks Joe.


He's a piece of shit who should be impeached, sentenced to treason, and executed. ALL in the same day.


wow Trump still your guy sorry he is a big loser con man with kids that are to busy counting their money to care about this country
