MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > California : I'm privileged, do I deserv...

California : I'm privileged, do I deserve to be robbed and killed ?

Most of my liberal friends think so. My money is ment to be shared I'm told. "Let them take it, they need it" I'm told.
The robbers can steal with impunity as long as the victim is white. The democrats are making America safer.


Two things happened when I finally accepted I am not only NOT a leftist, but that the left in fact hates me and wants me dead 100,000 times worse than Hitler ever hated Jewish people--

1. It felt great to be alive. I no longer trudged this boulder of false guilt on my shoulders everywhere I went.

2. I have never been angrier about being fooled by other people. I know, it's my fault, I knew all along there was something fishy about leftism, I should have walked away much sooner. But it doesn't change the fact that people who should be rooting for me have been rooting for my demise this entire time.


Soooooo we gonna address this or not ?


I'm in California. I know no one who thinks that.


But you're dealing with reality. So that doesn't count.


literally nobody is saying that. stop making stuff up.

all of my conservative friends think i should impregnate my sister. it's my duty as a white aryan viking descendant, i'm told. "we need to keep it in the family and make us strong" i'm told.


You don't have any conservative friends. Why? Ask your mother. Or your sister. Oh, wait, it's the same person, right?


i dont get it


You need to dumb yourself down quite a bit to think on their level.


Great Post OP: I live in LA and everybody is afraid

For 2020, California's violent crime rate ranked 16th nationwide and was higher than the national rate of 387 per 100,000 residents. While robbery and rape decreased, homicides increased by 30% and aggravated assaults went up by 7.5%.

As the largest city in California, Los Angeles has a population of over 4 million – 4,015,546 to be exact. There were 29,400 reported violent crimes in the city. The violent crime rate in Los Angeles is 732 per 100,000 people.

This is all on Trump, we must blame Trump. Biden is keeping America safe & rich. If we have Biden for 4 more years crime will be zero. We also need to invade Iran & Russia.
