I hope Kyle sues him
Despite 0 evidence, Joe called kyle a white supremacists. Can't wait for him to get his old, stupid ass sued
shareDespite 0 evidence, Joe called kyle a white supremacists. Can't wait for him to get his old, stupid ass sued
shareAnd MSNBC and CNN for the things they said about him.
share Oh shit, I think Kyle is setting up his lawsuit! Fuck yes!
I hope he sues him as well, then I hope the Republicans impeach the fucker for inciting two insurrections/riots over his lies about Kyle.
shareWow. A real deludanoid
shareWow a real libtard.
shareyou unironically like the dark knight rises lol libtard
shareYour deflection is rejected libtard.
sharewhy did you even respond. i already destroyed you with facts and logic. cry harder snowflake
shareLOL, I think you and every other person on Earth have different definitions of “facts” and “logic”.
shareconsidering you think facts and logics are right-leaning, i'd say you also have a very different definition. LOL. just stop responding already.
shareNot really, I don’t lean right, I am just an unbiased, objective observer calling you out for your far left, radical cult behavior.
shareyeah but i am not even an american. your politics do not affect me. sorry but you have no common sense. just another fact.
sharePlease show me where I said you are an American and please show me where it says you have to be American to be a “far left, radical cult(ist)”.
Now you’re deflecting because you know you’re an evil scumbag and you can no longer defend yourself.
please show me where i blatantly accused you of calling me american? take a chill pill dude. i was only telling you i am not american to give you more context about my "leftist cult" beliefs.
and wow, i am an "evil scumbag", yeah you TOTALLY are unbiased. moron. thanks for proving my point. you truly do have no common sense.
If you don’t think I blatantly accused you of being American then bringing up that you aren’t American is pointless, numb nuts. And LOL you are the one who hunted me down to throw a typical libtard temper tantrum so if anyone needs a chill pill it’s yourself. Yes you are an evil scumbag, you are supporting hate and racial division which is just about the most evil thing you can do. I hope whatever country you live in throws you in jail where you belong.
shareuh, i think you have some serious mental issues dude. you think i should be imprisoned for disagreeing with you? okay. i never hunted you down either. i scrolled across your stupid comment and remembered who you were. you are not important enough to stalk. and i think if you saw my face you would no longer think i support racial division. lol. unless you are one of those white 'sigma' incels who thinks white people are the true victims of racism. i am assuming you are one of those people?
shareThen yes you hunted me down and you went out of your way to respond to me and now you’re bitching a libtard fit over it. If you disagree with the Rittenhouse verdict then you should be in jail because that means you condone murder. It’s literally that simple.
As for your last sentence those are just baseless insults and it’s beneath me to debunk them.
"If you disagree with the Rittenhouse verdict then you should be in jail because that means you condone murder. It’s literally that simple."
this is a legitimately terrifying belief for about 20 different reasons. pretty sure you are actually mentally handicapped.
Nope, I’m just not brainwashed by some far left radical cult so therefore I can see things objectively and impartially.
shareyou are literally the most brainwashed person on the site and you prove it with every single word you type. you are so blind you cannot see it. i feel awful for you.
shareNot at all, I am one of the more fair and balanced person on this site, you are just a far left cultist and no one should take anything you say seriously.
shareagain, anybody who disagrees with you is a "far left cultist". why are superhero movie fans so fucking stupid.
shareAgain you bring up superheroes for some reason which is quite odd because I’m not even a huge superhero fan, I like the dark knight trilogy and that’s about it. Stupid libtard
sharenice deflection. you know you lost this one pal. go get your psychiatric medication. #kylesucks
shareYeah run away to your safe space you coward libtard crybaby. #Jussie’sgoingtojail
aint goin nowhere bitchboy.
and you seriously dont understand what #blacklivesmatter means? either you are a complete moron or you are racist.
You clearly don’t understand that All includes black you dumbass. I just prefer not to align myself with a terror movement whose premise is based on lies and false assumptions. I know exactly what it’s about: making excuses and rioting. I’m also being more inclusive than you are, I think all lives matter, your degree of caring about someone’s life is dictated by race so you are the actual racist. The only reason you even defend these terrorists is because you’re virtue signaling and you think it will help you feel good about yourself and give your life meaning. It’s beyond pathetic
shareno, you don't get it.
#blacklivesmatter is a reminder that black lives should also be taken into account. yes obviously everyone matters you moron, but it is also reminding people that black people are a huge chunk of that everyone. when cops kill black people at routine traffic stops, when george zimmerman openly calls trayvon martin a "nigger" and gets away with it. we need to remember.
#alllivesmatter is telling black people to shut the fuck up, that they do not matter, that their problems dont matter, and that white people need to be attended to first.
i would understand you arrogance back in 2018. i get how the name can be potentially misleading. but if you STILL dont get it, i mean...you're probably hopeless.
and TECHNICALLY rioting is totally protected by the constitution. it is an american right! you probably would've seen those who rebelled in the boston teaparty as "evil scumbag libtards" too. you will not be favored well by history, idiot. progressivism ALWAYS prevails whether you like it or not. the civil war, pro-abolition, womens suffrage, black rights, gay marriage. all were faught in the name of progressivism and all eventually won. you might wanna change sides and open your eyes while you still can. maybe start by getting a college degree first.
There is literally barely anyone who is saying that black lives don't matter (maybe the very few white supremacists in the country but no one legitimate even takes what they say seriously), in fact BLM doesn't really seem to think white lives matter considering they were caught shouting "shoot the white folk" and now they want to boycott "white owned businesses", yeah facts are a bitch aren't they. I'm sure you'll point to George Floyd as a counterargument and I have yet to see any evidence he was targeted because of his race. Furthermore according to the data white people are twice as likely to be shot by the cops than black people yet black people are 3 times as likely to be in gangs: WHOOPSIE. Even this year after the police were defunded and BLM started going crazy white deaths by the hands of police still outnumbered black deaths 198-113
2017: White: 457, Black: 223
2018: White: 399, Black: 209
2019: White: 370, Black: 235
2020: White: 457, Black: 241
2021: White: 198, Black: 113 (numbers across the board obviously lower because liberal mayors now won't allow cops to do their jobs)
Now before you claim that whites outnumber blacks in the population as one of the comments does: according to the latest statistics: Whites make up 11.5% of gang members, Blacks: 35.4%, so blacks outnumber whites in gangs by an over 3:1 margin despite whites outnumbering blacks in the population 6:1. That isn't a societal problem, that's a personal decision problem. It's called take responsibility for yourself and hold yourself accountable for your own actions.
So yes if anyone is being disproportionately targeted by police it's white people, but facts don't matter to you people, only your false narratives and lies, you are even willing to split people along racial lines to achieve it so my assertion that you are a scumbag stands.
Whether someone is at risk because of their race is all situation specific, at a Klan rally yes a black person's life may be at risk, at a BLM rally a white person's life may be at risk, so it is appropriate to say All Lives Matter because depending on where you are you may be targeted because of your race. Both BLM and the Klan are racist movements.
LOL, how you ever get "black people shut the fuck up" from All Lives Matter (which literally includes Black Lives) is just more evidence of your retarded liberal logic. You people are the most ass backwards people I have ever encountered, its' pathetic. MLK Jr. literally said "All Lives Matter" so was he telling black people to "shut the fuck up". But then again the modern day Republican Party is pretty close to the ideology of MLK Jr. while the DemoKKKrats are more aligned with Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler, etc so I guess that makes sense.
LOL, no it isn't, you do not have the right to burn police stations, torch courthouses, storm into the Oklahoma Capitol to disrupt the judicial process, murder police captains, block the entrances to hospitals so an ambulance carrying two wounded police officers can't get in, and announcing you will "burn the country down" until the police are defunded. You should come to the United States, you should buy a house and I'll send BLM over there the next time they riot and they can "burn it down", we'll see how well you like it. And HAHAHAHAHAHA are you seriously comparing BLM to the Boston Tea Party, again you have everything ass backwards, they are nothing alike. BLM is not about anyone's civil rights, it's an excuse to terrorize innocent people but of course your cult has brainwashed you to believe otherwise along with down is up, dry is wet, 2+2=5, etc. Liberals are the cult of false equivalences.
EDIT: Please show me the constitutional amendment that says you have the riot to destroy someone else's property and you have the right to kill people. Until you do then BLM is a terror movement.
once again, thank you for proving you have no idea what you are talking about with every single word you type. you are cherry picking and highly exaggerating events. for example, you paint OK Capitol event as this massive riot where a herd of thousands of libtards broke into a courtroom and moshed the place into the ground. in fact, it was like 10 people who were ALLOWED in by security, stood in a corner and protested peacefully, and were asked to leave when the proceeding ended and did so with little problem. "storm into" lol. did fox sell you that one? facts hurt, don't they? also, they were rioting against a bill the state of OK was trying to pass that would protect people who plow into massive crowds with their cars. you are actually supporting that?
you also have no understanding on why gangs formed, and why the majority of gangs in america are made up for minorities. look up "redlining", a term you'd know if you went to college. PLEASE for the love of GOD dont make me explain that one to you too.
you are purposely listing the absolute worst aspects of BLM. should I start listing every time a trump supporter shouted something racist? i don't and won't, because I, as somebody with the ability to THINK (unlike you) understand that not every single conservative is a racist. I could clearly sink down to your neanderthalic knuckle-dragging level to link stuff like this: ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz3q0baxHpc&ab_channel=GuardianNews ) and be as ignorant as you to assume everyone who likes trump would act like this. But i dont. because it is not true on either side.
BLM is all about civil rights. i agreee it has gotten out of hand at points. but i also dont think trayvon or george needed to die, and you clearly do. and you supported trump's command to storm the white house? if you were college educated you would CLEARLY see the similarities between BLM and the boston tea party. again, stop listening to tucker Carlson and ben shapiro. think for yourself.
BLM was literally trying to destroy the democratic process, the building had to be evacuated because it had been overtaken by left wing terrorists. They assaulted our democracy and it was an insurrection, you are a scumbag for trying to delegitimize the threat they pose.
And LOL it's societies problem that people choose to join gangs? Wow that is the most pathetic excuse I have ever heard of, people join gangs because they choose to join gangs and no one will take a stand against it because scumbags like yourself will call them racist if they try to. People like you are the reason we have gangs.
First of all my description of BLM is highly accurate, secondly what I have said is true and if a movement that you are supporting did the things I mentioned then a decent person would distance themselves from them, you haven't so therefore you are OK with it. I disagree with what happened in terms of the trespassing incident on 1/6, I don't agree with trespassing therefore I distanced myself from those people and denounced them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, first of all I have proven that BLM's premise is a lie and therefore it isn't about civil rights, sure some members may be dumb enough to believe the lies that the Libtard media feeds them but that doesn't change anything, it's a radical, marxist, terrorist movement designed to destroy the country.
As for Trump he clearly said march "peacefully and patriotically" so therefore he had nothing to do with what happened, secondly I already denounced the trespassing so your point is irrelevant. BLM is nothing like the tea party, BLM is more like the Nazis.
Also I noticed you refused to concede that there is no constitutional amendment that gives you the right to riot and kill people. I'll take that as your concession.
Also you lied again, the bill was designed to protect people fleeing far left riots, it wasn't designed to allow people to run over others with their cars.
I guess you want innocent victims trapped in far left riots to just sit there and "fucking die", what is wrong with you?
Whether I agree with it or not is irrelevant, you don't have the right to try to take over the government just because you don't like the legislation being passed, by that logic I could do the same to stop a bill protecting abortion rights because I am against infanticide, and if you have a problem with it I could just retort with: "so you are for baby murder, what is wrong with you". The BLM insurrection was an assault on democracy, you not liking the bill doesn't give you the right to assault the legislative process, that is terrorism. By that logic 1/6 was OK because Joe Biden's plan was to destroy the US economy so even if the largely peaceful protesters weren't peaceful it would have been alright by your logic because they were trying to A) Prevent the President from abandoning US citizens in Afghanistan, B)Maintain a secure border, C) Maintain energy independence, D) Keep crime rates low. Seeing how Biden's policies are against all of those things that makes 1/6 acceptable by your deluded libtard logic.
again, you have no idea what you are talking about. you clearly see it as some sort of insecure power move when i dont address every single stupid point you make. you failed to address my "progressivism always prevails" arguement. guess you're conceding there? nice job conceding. I win!
so you admit that trump started the riots? you have no right to belittle or mock the left for also protesting for their beliefs. you simply CANNOT have it both ways. maybe if you werent racist you would understand the motive behind BLM. but you clearly are terrified of minorities controlling things. if you seriously just compared BLM to Nazi Germany, you have no understanding for history.
and you literally just shared a fox news article. a biased conservative news source. you...just don't get it.
that, or you're trolling me.
wow, i cant believe i fell for it. haha, cheers. have a great day.
here is a link to help you out and get you on the right path in life: https://foothill.edu/reg/registration/
You don’t respond to them because you know you can’t debate them so you run away like a coward.
I’m just taking BLM at their own word and judging them by their actions, it’s not my problem that BLM said they would burn the country down, that we should “shoot the white folk”, that they killed a St. Louis Police Captain, attempted to block the entrances to hospitals, caused an insurrection, etc.
HAHAHAHAHA, so you can’t debate the content you have to just dismiss the source, I’m betting you would have shared fake new CNN or MSNDC and then told me the same thing I just said.
And now you’re utilizing libtard debate tactic 427: just call the other person a “troll” and then run away while trying to save face.
nope. i'm staying right here. but i'm also waiting for an actual argument here. you are posing very little such thing.
you also seem to really enjoy having the upper hand, even when you dont. did you know that's actually a sign of lower level intellect? our ape-like ancestors also enjoyed being on top of every single tiny situation, and it very much frustrated them when they didn't have their ways. you have more evolving to do, clearly.
and no, i refuse to look at Fox. they are self-classified as an entertainment source and not a news source in the FCC, and the FCC ruled that Tucker Carlson has breached impartiality regulations multiple times by spreading purposely false news. cnn is definitely biased too, but at least they are a news source. you DO know that more than just Fox and CNN exist, right?
An actual argument has been presented to you but you refuse to address it and instead you have thrown a typical libtard temper tantrum.
I completely own you, I have dominated you the entire time, I’m beginning to suspect you are mentally challenged and if you are I need to know because I am not a bully, that means that I need to go easy on you.
LOL so there you go, you can’t debate the content instead you just dismiss the entire source because you know that they are one of the few news organizations that will report on issues that the fake news refuses to. You seem to think that Fox is far right, the thing is there is no such thing as far right, there is objective/neutral and then there is far left.
EDIT: Speaking of entertainment: https://ivn.us/2017/04/17/cnn-president-admits-network-entertainment-journalism. Whoopsie, and this source doesn’t even like Trump.
"the thing is there is no such thing as far right, there is objective/neutral and then there is far left."
I lost IQ points reading that one, lol. you are extremely brainwashed.
"I completely own you, I have dominated you the entire time, I’m beginning to suspect you are mentally challenged and if you are I need to know because I am not a bully, that means that I need to go easy on you."
again you have not had the upper hand a single moment of this "debate". the fact that you think you do is really showing of your mental state. but you literally proved my point in admitting that you love "owning" me. you know who else loved owning blacks? slavemasters. why do you seek pleasure in being on top of everything, especially when you're not? is it because of a low IQ?
edit: i already stated i do not like CNN and not once have i used them as a reliable source. again, this is the shittiest "debate" i have ever tried doing.
Yeah reading factual statements is likely to make a deluded libtard dumber (apparently that is possible)
I do enjoy owning you, and I have done a very good job at it. Owning smug, brainwashed libtards is kind of a hobby of mine. It doesn’t give my life meaning or validation or anything (I already have that), it’s just a hobby like collecting stamps is for some people, or jogging.
"I do enjoy owning you, and I have done a very good job at it. Owning smug, brainwashed libtards is kind of a hobby of mine. It doesn’t give my life meaning or validation or anything, it’s just a hobby like collecting stamps is for some people, or jogging."
reading this in heath ledger's joker voice is actually very terrifying. you havent owned any a single thing in your life and it shows. you definitely are not winning this "debate". not even close. i asked you not to list random isolated incidents of BLM violence and then you literally proceeded to do just that. lol. how am i supposed to take this seriously. if you think i am somehow hurt by this discussion, only my IQ is damaged by your stupidity and ignorance.
i'm still waiting for a valid point instead of this lowlish "attacks" and attempts to hurt my wittle snowflake feewings. ironically the only one hurt here sounds to be you, lmao. i'm assuming this debate is over?
Not really, I won this debate a long time ago when you refused to address anything I said, it’s obvious you can’t defend the evil that exists within BLM and your cult so you instead resorted to pathetic attempts at personal insults which comes straight out of the libtard debate tactic handbook. Funny enough I’ve noticed creationists do the same thing, wow you all have a lot in common.
sharei addressed every logical thing you presented, which was not every much. statements like "the right does not exist" is absolutely batshit insane, and easily debunkable with science and psychology. i already stated that I do not support every single thing the BLM movement does...i said that, like, 4 times now. do i need to say it a 5th and 6th time for you to understand? and you realize most creationists are overwhelmingly conservative, yes?
if you want a participation trophy for trying to win this debate, you can go to a local pawn shop and buy a used one.
No you didn’t, you even admitted that you ignored most of what I said because you know that I dominated you and you’re just trying to salvage whatever dignity you have left (which isn’t much). As for creationists I don’t care if they are predominately liberal or conservative, see that’s the thing I just call it like it is, your moral compass however fluctuates solely on what benefits your radical political narrative.
Your last statement is comically ironic considering libtards are the ones who love participation trophies. I will however accept my first place trophy provided that you’re man enough to pay for it as you should.
you literally claim you don't take the political compass into accountability, and then you IMMEDIAETLY ignore your own philosophy by hypocritically hinting only ONE SIDE can have participation trophies.
like, do i really need to say anything else?
i won. start crying. dont enter a primal ragefit here.
And now you’re strawmanning which is a logical fallacy, I didn’t say only one side could have participation trophies, I said one side loves participation trophies, the fact that your cult likes participation trophies isn’t my fault, numb nuts.
The only thing I have to cry about is that there is actually someone as pathetic and retarded as you in the world, listening to your incoherent babbling is destroying my faith in humanity.
Ooh, "strawmanning", that's a good buzzword there. you clearly have no idea what it means.
and you just continued to prove your own hypocrisy and stupidity by defending your point with a stereotype. just admit defeat already. not everyone wins. nobody won this debate, to be totally honest.
LOL, it’s not a buzzword, it’s an accurate description of your blatantly dishonest libtard debate tactics. And I didn’t stereotype anyone, I just called you out on your own bullshit, quit playing the victim, numb nuts.
sharethe only one playing the vctim card is you. there is no factual consensus that says only the left enjoys participation trophies. i might as well claim every righty loves lynching black people. actually, there is so me factual basis for that claim since most KKKers are rightwinged by a HUGE margin. that is a different argument for a different day tho. you have not debunked a single one of my points. i honestly think you should enroll in college because I do admire your persistence. imagine putting that noggin to good use.
sharePlease explain how I am “playing the victim”. Also I don’t need a “factual consensus”, it’s obvious to anyone who observes the libtards behavior but clearly you are immune to logic and common sense as I have demonstrated. The thing is I have distanced myself from the KKK however you have not distanced yourself from BLM so bringing up the KKK is a non sequitur and another logical fallacy on your part. Well I already have two PhDs so my education is pretty much finished by now but I think you should enroll in an adult daycare center because someone clearly needs to be monitoring your internet usages so you don’t embarrass yourself anymore.
share"I already have two PhDs
Omg, you're THAT guy!!! i
thought that was sombedoy else! You are the dude who claims to have two doctorates???
okay that is officially the end of this thread. you CLEARLY do not have two PhD's. you are a pathological liar and i am wasting my time. what's next, you're proven IQ is 250?? i wont even bring up your KKK/BLM comparison or yourrefusal to understand a factual consensus. a person with TWO PhD's would see the issues in those claims. you are a huge jokester.
seriously, why claim to have two PhD's???? you clearly don't. only like 0.0001% of people achieve that goal and you definetly arent one. you know that I would still potentially take you seriously without any sort of formal education, right? but now you have zero creditibilty. you are going to have to prove that one.
I accept your concession, maybe next time you’ll think twice before making an ass of yourself.
shareyou are literally conceeding by failing to prove your PhD's. IRONY is hilarious.
shareMy education is not the topic of discussion dumbass.
shareIt is now. You mad e a very bold claim, now defend it. Stop deflecting.
In your words, "i accept your concession".
You made an even bolder claim that "BLM is about civil rights" and every time I have asked you to defend it you have deflected away like a libtard pussy.
shareLol, okay. I have not deflected it. I have defended my self numerous times and you just keeping denying my claims with fictitious Fox articles. If you don't agree with me, fine. But keep up the namecalling, maybe you'll finally hurt my masculinity the same way I hurt yours. A wise man once said "you know a dog is hurt because it'll holler." Damn boy, you're a'hollerin'.
shareLOL yes you have, I have obliterated your premise and shown you how evil BLM is and you flat out said that you weren’t going to address any of it. Then you made absurd claims that a story is false because it comes from Fox, so that means that if Fox ran a story about how Oxygen is good for you, you would therefore think that you shouldn’t breathe oxygen instead you should breathe chlorine gas. it’s absurd.
shareYou have obliterated nothing, except for you r own creditability. Your "Fox Oxygen" argument is stupid because I gurantee you'd do the exact same thing over a cnn article. That' sbesiedes the point . You claimed that every single person in BLM is an a terrorist. That is a ridiculous and extremist claim. I would have just as much right to say that every conservative is an inbred KKK rallier. Is that factually true? Or just an extremist claim?
shareAnother strawman, I never once said that everyone in BLM is a terrorist, I said it’s a terrorist movement and I made it quite clear that some people are just stupid enough to believe the lies from the DemoKKKrats, I do believe they legitimately believe it is a civil rights movement when in reality it’s the exact opposite. Believe it or not people like you are stupid enough to think that breathing chlorine gas is good for you, I feel sorry for you.
shareFair enough, though you have said that every person in BLM is "evil scum" which itself is an extremist claim. but it is ABSOLUTELY a civil rights movement. people like you would've been against MLK and his protests too. even if you don't agree with it, the belief, or the violence, you have to acknowledge that BLM as a whole is fighting for civil rights. again, you are thinking that everyone involved is evil, because you think everyone is part of the terrorism. you keep waffling on your beliefs here.
but the fact that you're a proven liar makes me not want to continue this conversation. you have made like 1 solid argument today, out of an attempted like 50. i'll give 1 point.
If they are supporting BLM then they are evil scum even if they don't realize it. It doesn't change the facts. No I don't have to agree that they are fighting for civil rights, they are doing the exact opposite, they are radical Marxist anarchists and they only care about perpetuating a false narrative and lies. Hell they had another riot set up but once they found out that the person shot by police was white they all of a sudden turned around and canceled the riot, whoopsie. There is little evidence to suggest there is anything resembling "systemic racism" against blacks and in fact I have provided data that suggests the complete opposite. Again blacks outnumber whites 3:1 in gangs yet white deaths by cops outnumber blacks 2:1, but then again you only care about excuses so it's my fault they decided to murder, steal and loot. That's typical libtard logic, the individual is never responsible for their actions, it's always society. There comes a point where you have to stop making excuses and stand on your own two feet, there comes a point where you are accountable for your own actions and your own crimes against society. I don't think you even care about black lives, if you did you'd have something to say about the death of David Dorn or any of the thousands of lives lost in liberal run cities by gang violence, you only care about black lives that support your lies and false political narrative. BLM is nothing like MLK, MLK was in favor of peaceful protests, BLM is in favor of burning buildings, torching courthouses and killing cops. They are no better than the Klan.
shareBLM is fighting for civil rights, whether you like the method of it or not. It is that simple. You are purposely focising on the negative aspects to push your conservative agenda, as you've admit to doing above several times. Newsflash: people fucking despised MLK 's rallies too, and MLK himself was painted as a man who pushed vioelnce. Actually, there was tons of violence involved during the Civil Rights movement, as was there violence during anti-abolition and even Gandi's peaceful protests. Again, you would know this history if you actually had two PhD's. You clearly do not. Where did you get your degrees from, Prager U?
shareIf they cared about black lives they would have been up in arms over the gang violence in Chicago but they are suspiciously silent about it. Gang violence is a far greater threat to black lives than police brutality or "systemic racism" (whatever the fuck that is). You have been sold a packet of lies, you are a complete and utter fool. BLM is a terror movement that is being allowed to murder and loot and victimize innocent people all for a political narrative. The thing is, we have video evidence of BLM assaulting innocent people, we have video evidence of them threatening to burn the country down, we have video evidence of them blocking the entrances to hospitals and I don't give a fuck what was said about MLK, that doesn't make BLM's atrocities OK. Another libtard debate tactic: justify bad behavior with bad behavior (although there is no evidence MLK ever did anything like that). This isn't a FOX conspiracy, again I'm just taking BLM at their word and judging them by what we have seen them do. Again let's bus them over to your house next time there is a riot and we'll see how well you like it.
They even sent death threats to the judge in the Rittenhouse case and threatened to kill his family if they didn't vote guilty. Not only is that the very definition of terrorism but it's an assault on the judicial process and our democracy. They again tried to take over the government.
No proof of MLK violence??? Use google and a history book bro. And you act like the conservatives in mass didnt send death threats to The Clintons, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and even their own 13 representatives for backing Biden on one single issue. Again, you are cherry picking and highly exaggerating certain things to further push your unedcuated mindset. And if BLM came over to my house we would agree on topics of racism, polioce brutality, redlining, gang activity, etc. Probably not so much at you and you mom's place. Also, BLM literally formed to address gang violence issues, as well as other topics. Classic conservative attack point: "but if blacks cared so much, why gangs??????" Proof you don't understand how and why gangs work, and that the struggles of minorities dont matter. What are they supposed to do?
shareSo you’re saying that MLK burned courthouses and incited violence against cops? That he murdered innocent people? Please show me proof of this, numb nuts. As for your second point now you’re just trying to justify bad behavior with alleged bad behavior. Assuming you can prove this that still doesn’t make the terroristic actions of BLM acceptable. That’s like me saying “well our founding fathers held slaves so therefore it’s OK to be racist”, it’s absurd. The left sent death threats to the electors of the 2016 election in an attempted coup and tried to overthrow the government, they threatened the judge’s family, they are a bunch of immoral scumbag terrorists.
LOL OK, we’ll send them over next time and when they start torching your house and threaten to kill you I’m sure you;ll still be in the mood to sit down and have a cup of tea with them. I’m sure you’ll understand the social justice as your house is literally being burned to the ground. These people don’t care about having a discussion, they are the American equivalent of the Taliban, they just want to loot, murder and terrorize innocent people. You are either foolishly naive or you are lying to yourself. Quite frankly I would laugh if they burned your house down, that would be the funniest thing I have ever seen, even more funny than those Texas DemoKKKrats who left the state to disrupt the legislative process and then got covid, or Kathy Griffen getting cancer. Tell you what, contact BLM and tell them that the next time they want to riot to just go over to your house for a cup of coffee, then the next time they riot I will know that either A) You never contacted them because in reality you are scared of them or B) They didn’t listen to you which will prove my point.
And there you go again, it’s societies fault that so many minorities are in gangs, people aren’t accountable for their behavior society is apparently. I’m still waiting for evidence that society forces people to be gang members, so far all I’ve heard is virtue signaling and excuses. I’m also waiting for evidence that blacks are automatically at a disadvantage for the sole reason that they are black. (You continue to pussy out every time I hold your feet to the fire. And I’ll tell you what you do: 1) Stay in school, 2) Don’t have children out of wedlock, 3) Don’t do drugs, 4) Respect society 5) respect the cops, 6) Take personal responsibility for yourself. But you are too much of a chickenshit to say those things, it’s far easier for you to get on your pedestal and blame it on the white man or whatever. Also I have asked you repeatedly to provide evidence of this alleged “systemic racism” and I’ve noticed you’ve avoided the question every time, your premise basically boils down to “it’s true because I say so, wah wah wah”. I understand exactly how gangs work, kids are born into families that have histories of gang violence and the cycle repeats itself, people think being in gangs is cool because our media glorifies it and they are told that they don’t have to be accountable for their actions. We could easily end the cycle but it would involve owning up to some uncomfortable truths but people like you are the reason why no one has the balls to take a stand against gang violence because you will smear them as racist, people like you are literally the reason for gang violence and you have blood on your hands. And I totally get what you’re saying: Everyone’s a victim, nothing is ever your fault, it’s always the system’s fault, you are such a pussy snowflake. In the meantime while you are making excuses for people who chose to ignore the law, ignore society innocent people (many of whom are minorities) are being murdered and victimized, do you give a fuck about them? You don’t, they don’t support your false narrative so just sweep them under the rug.
EDIT: Also there are white kids who are born into abusive, underprivileged households, I noticed you don’t seem to give a good fuck about them because of their skin color. You are the only racist in this conversation. I also noticed how you ignored me when I mentioned that innocent black lives are lost to gang violence, you don’t care about them, these are people who aren’t gang members, people who respect the law and a bunch of thugs kill them, while the DemoKKKrats make excuses for the murderers and paint them as victims. In the meantime innocent BLACK lives are being taken. As I said before you only care about black lives that support your lies and false political narrative because you just want to feel good about yourself. You also ignored me about David Dorn, you don’t care about his life either despite the fact that he died honorably trying to protect the community against BLM thugs.
EDIT: I also took your advice and did a quick google search on MLK and the only results I found were about his message of “nonviolence” (the complete opposite of BLM). Considering I have caught you at least 3 times lying I don’t believe you.
Jussie: GUILTY.
Life’s a bitch when the facts aren’t on your side isn’t it?
1- ain't gonna happen. A President getting sued for defamation? Please.....
2- Biden's probably not even aware or remembers what he has said half the time, and is just saying what his handlers tell him to say.
Previous presidents have had enough of their mental faculties in place to avoid putting themselves in a position to be sued for defamation, and this is extremely blatant, so it's unprecedented.
shareHe wasn't president when he called Rittenhouse a white supremacist, but you're probably right about him not aware of what he's saying most of the time. Hell, just the other day he called Satchel Paige a "negro". In fact, he has an extensive history of racism. It's well documented and it's not even stuff that's can be misconstrued, it's just direct blatant racism. His dementia has gotten extremely bad over the past year.
shareDoesn’t matter if he was president or not, he still slandered Kyle and the fact that it was so he could help his campaign is even more disturbing. I don’t just think he should be sued I think he should be in jail.
shareBelieve me, nothing would make me happier than watching PedoJoe and anyone that supports him suffer and pay for their disgusting actions.
shareIF Elon Musk can call a national hero a pedophile, Biden can call a mass murderer a white supremacist
shareWho's the mass murderer?
shareWhen did he call a mass murderer a white supremacist?
shareWho was this mass murderer you speak of?
shareYou Americans are so pathetic, don’t like something: sue sue sue.
shareDefamation of character, it's a thing. Especially when it happens at the highest levels and to a 17yr old kid.
That's right, you can't sue the BBC because you live in a free country. Ha, ha, ha.
And what country are you from that is SOOOOOO superior?
shareThe one that invented the very language that you are using.
shareAh! The example of greatness and a fine example to the world. Sure wish I was there!
shareYou live in Italy?
shareNo but respect to them for inventing pizza.
shareOh, because Italy is where Latin came from, which is the mother of most modern languages, including English.
shareItalians speak Italian.
Latin is hardly even taught any more.
Look up Geoffrey Chaucer the father of English.
You're wrong, here's proof, we're done.
You don’t speak Latin, you speak English.
The English made English from French, German, Latin etc. No doubt you won’t look up the person I said because: denial.
English colonists then went to America.
That’s why you speak English.