Is it OK to refer to black people as negros?
Asking for my friend Joe.
shareThe only reason it’s considered “offensive” is because thems the flavor of the week rules.
Should we now consider “The United Negro College Fund” rrrrrrrrrrracist!?
I'll rephrase. Is it OK for white people to refer to black people as negros?
I'm not the one changing the meaning of words and deciding what's racist.
Biden never stopped referring to them as “well spoken negro boy”. His nickname for Obama.
Biden’s always been a racist sack of shit. He’s a Democrat. That’s what they do.
My response wasn’t an attack on you, just illustrating the point of why the bar keeps moving regarding which terms are considered “rrrrrrrrracist”. It’s a way for unaccomplished losers to try to empower themselves.
Ask the National Association of Colored People.
shareIf you are a Dem,yes
shareI do think it sounds condescending and old fashioned. I usually call people by their first names. If I don't know their first names, I don't talk about them at all.
shareNo, Al Sharpton outlawed that word, too. He doesn't mind being called Black. The word must be capitalized to show respect, the kind of respect black people show everyone else in the world.
shareThis whole capitalization thing does make me laugh. You can guarantee any writer that capitalizes the b in black when referring to black people will absolutely not capitalize the w in white when referring to white people.
Just come out and say it, you're a racist. (not you trevorh321) Whatever writer that does this.
If they are Republican yes, but if they learn their place and toe the libtard agenda then it’s offensive