MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > “Hold my beer man” Which ratings were a ...

“Hold my beer man” Which ratings were a bigger historic failure?

This years Oscars?
Vegetable Joes “Address to Congress”.

No question the oscars have become a laughing stock to everyone outside of Hollywood. Ratings have tanked for multiple years in a row dropping 50% this year over last year.

“Hold my beer” vegetable Joe has outdone Hollywood's atrocious performance by bringing in less than 25% of the viewership of Trumps 4 State of the Union average.

To put this in perspective for the lemmings: Biden could give 4 State of the Union speeches, and he still wouldn’t interest the number of people Trump interested in just 1 of his speeches.

Man it’s gotta suck to know your party is hated by the American people so much you have to rig the vote to get elected.


I have a feeling he won't give 4 State of the Union addresses. If the Republicans regain the House or Senate after the 2022 midterms his presidency is pretty much over. He might as well resign and let Kamala finish the final two years.


lol, the Republican party is done. In a decade or so they’ll be an irrelevant regional party as Demographics ends any sort of relevance for them on a national level
