MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Cough on a liberal and test the vaccine ...

Pass the bread, because there's the bologna.


The mask mandate for me is set to expire on April 30th and possibly sooner. The asshole who claimed I'm supposed to wear a mask to protect them will get coughed on first. Fuck your fascism.


I don't want to be THAT person, but PLEASE don't confuse the idiot "woke" for Liberals. They have NOTHING in common with real Liberals.


When a person minds their own business and doesn’t push their ideas on me, I have no problem with you. But, if you tell me when, where, who and so on of who I can see and when and whatever else, FUCK YOU! I think Democrats have some balls to tell us WHAT DATE is okay for a family get together! You “won” the election, get on with your lives! I mean that was the whole point of “COVID”, right? To win the election?


Most liberals and conservatives are just normal people. We disagree on politics. That's about it.


I would love to see anti vaxxers murdered by the national guard or army! I.e everyone NOT wanting to take the vaxxine will be killed.
Don’t question authority, keep your distance & take the vaccine.

This virus is super deadly and will kill American woman & children first.


Ahhhh! The “tolerant left” speaks... The National Guard is protecting your POTUS. The army? You think they’ll give a shit after Kameltoe cuts the military budget? “Don’t question authority”? Spoken like a true Democrat fascist. Why should anyone take the vaccine? Because the Democrats told us to? Do you really know what you’re injecting yourself with? Masks are useless, so says your hero Anthony Fauci. Lockdowns don’t work. Republican states by opening are doing far better than the Democrat ones... I thought the vaccine is supposed to immune you? Why would you have to keep wearing a mask???? What about “vaccine passports” the Democrats are pushing? Isn’t that a call back to the Nazis stenciling numbers on peoples’ arms? For you and people like you, shove the vaccine and the rest of your bullshit!


You need to read my post as humor, as satire. Covid is a scam. The governments of the world follows the WHO orders. The WHO is a private held entity. Its shareholders are the same that owns Big Pharma. .Ie this is the largest insider deal in the history of the world. Its an inside deal of astronomical proportions. Covid is created to make money. Is created to spread fear. This is not about left or right – its about corporation’s running the show.


It's good satire.
