Actually, Trump is the biggest liar. He lied over 20,000 times during his presidency. And if you believed him you're a fool. Back in the 1980s, when the Russians first began to cultivate Trump as an asset, he claimed he met with Gorbachev when he went over to Moscow. Only, he didn't. He made it up.
While president he allowed Russian Agents into the White House and gave away some intel, met privately with Putin (no press), said he believed Putin didn't interfere with the 2016 election (when all of our intelligence agencies said he did), bickered with NATO allies (weakening the alliance that kept the USSR and Russia at bay for decades), threatened to withhold missiles from Ukraine (which is a NATO member and has land Russia covets) unless they dug up false dirt and Biden and his family, and did nothing when it was revealed that Russian troops had bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan.
He also tried to get Russia reinstated in the G7 after they had been kicked out.
Why? Probably because when Trump went bankrupt after all his bad business dealings and no bank in New York would loan him any money, the Russians did. Don Jr. even admitted as much in 2008 when he said, "We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."