MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > I think he deserves a chance.

I think he deserves a chance.

He did receive more votes than any other president in history after all. Respect the wishes of the majority of the American people or move to Burma or Iran if you hate Freedom.


He must have some appeal. I just found out my parents both voted for him. Kind of weird, though, because Mom passed in 2000 and Dad passed in 1980.


Horseshit. He deserves a chance. Isn't that what you bastards said 4 years ago about Trump before he destroyed our country?


Did Trump get a chance? Doesn't seem so considering the Democrats were calling for his impeachment even before he took office.

Although he did convince the highest number of dead people to rise from their graves and vote for him than any other president in US History, that is definitely commendable.


Yeah he got a chance and invited the Russians in to sell them classified information. Gave the Canadians our land for a leaky pipeline. Denied the victims of hurricane Maria aid resulting in 3000 subsequent American deaths. Destroyed our farming exports and subsequently gave them a socialist bailout; He shut down the pandemic office and called the Corona Virus a hoax and allowed the WORST Pandemic in modern American history to overrun our country. Under Trump the US lost more jobs than any other president in history since the Great Depression. There were more public shootings than during any other president and there were more riots from both the left and the right than any other president in history.

Oh we gave him a chance despite his losing the election to Hillary by 3 million votes. So now Biden deserves a chance since he actually won the election legitimately by the majority of the votes and a landslide in the electoral college. In fact he gave Trump a good Shellacking. We gave them, the right a good shellacking.

So yeah Joe Biden deserves a chance and everyone is much happier. People are even driving safer now and as the great travel writer Paul Theroux said you can tell whether a country has good or bad leadership by the way people drive.


This dead people crap is an old tactic you nitwits played in 2008 too. It had no merit back then, it's just the same horseshit in the Republican playbook.


Not only that, Biden got more people who never existed at all to come into existence and vote for him from places that don't even exist. It's incredible the enthusiasm, I just don't understand why these nonexistent people fled back into unreality so soon. They didn't even stick around to watch his inauguration.


The man has some very selective supernatural powers. It’s quite odd considering he can barely muster up the energy to come out of his basement


How come that couldn’t be proven? I’m really asking because that’s why people don’t believe that it happened you know?



Unity, my ass! What goes around, comes around or as one of your idols said: "We're gonna impeach the motherfucker!"


Yeah Biden calls for unity then calls people calling for the reopening of the economy "Neanderthals"

Not to mention his spokesman referred to the GOP as "fuckers" and he never even fired the guy. Biden and the DemoKKKrats don't give a good damn about unity. The DemoKKKrats love division, they pump votes out of it.

EDIT: I disagree with you, I don't think Biden should be impeached, I think he should be in prison.


EDIT: I disagree with you, I don't think Biden should be impeached, I think he should be in prison.

Yeah, I just wanted to throw their own words back at them. :)


"Yeah, I just wanted to throw their own words back at them. :)"

There you have admitted it. This has everything to do with Trump. It's all horseshit and nonsense. We're not done with Trump and we the American people aren't done with you traitors either. Yeah Unity my ass. Bush built those FEMA camps like prison camps for a reason and we're going to need to use them.


Lol I want a batch of whatever you’re smoking.

Edit: I’m pretty sure you are trolling, FYI it’s not even a good troll job


Maybe you're not paying attention. In a prior post one of your kind said, " thomas998 (2571) an hour ago
You realize Trump is out of office and has been for some time now. "

Yet you just admitted that you're just robotically throwing words used against Trump "back at them".

And seriously. You need to get OFF the drugs. If you did, you'd wake up and realize the truth is real. Facts matter.

The sorry thing is you're probably a hipster right? You don't even know extent of how Trump screwed your generation yet. Now run along and keep playing your video games. You don't have anything to worry about yet.


He called Biden “God” on another thread, this f-cker is trolling. He’s probably a Trump supporter trying to make the libtards look crazy, not that they needed any help from him


Just love it how you fruitcakes cherry pick threads one minute and then forget what you've said the next. Yeah Biden is the next best thing to God, he's Our President.

" trying to make the libtards look crazy"
Yeah because the riot on the Capitol didn't make you Trump supporters look crazy and using the suffix "...tard" doesn't make you look like you ever finished the 8th grade. Grow up already. Time to be a man and pull your pants up.


Yeah be in prison for saving our country from the pedophile communist and dictator lover Trump.


The GOP incited an insurrection. They are most certainly fuckers. And the irony of the party of white supremacy the RepubliKKKans spelling Democrats that way. The ENTIRE WORLD knows you're the cabal of white supremacy. You're not fooling anyone and this "dogwhistle" nod and a wink style of yours everyone is aware of too.

Look your backs are against the wall. You're traitors scumbags, whores, sellouts and general fawning parasites. Your hate of freedom is as obvious as your criminality and you'll be going down. We're not done with you yet.


Lol the demokkkrats incited violence all throughout the summer of 2020. Their phony moral outrage rings incredibly hollow by this point. Biden, Harris, Pelosi , Schumer and waters all need to be held accountable for their rhetoric since you’ve established that if a riot happens the politician the rioters support is responsible


These things never happen when Democrats are president. Has that ever occurred to you?
All these disasters happen under RepubliKKKans.

"Lol the demokkkrats incited violence all throughout the summer of 2020."

No they didn't, the police did. Look up the word INCITE.

There is nothing phony about outrage over Americans being killed by our government. What was phony outrage is the fruitcakes that stormed the capitol. The difference is what happened over the summer vs what happened at the Capitol is Liberals want Americans to stop being killed by government. Whereas conservatives want to kill and for more Americans to be killed.



Biden called the police the "enemy" and he made excuses for the riots

Harris said the riots are "never going to stop" then she bailed out the rioters

Pelosi said she didn't care about them "they just do what they do"

Waters told her mob to harass Trump supporters

BLM's mission is to murder cops, the left loves dead cops. There is no difference between the current Democrat party and the Nazis, as far as I'm concerned Biden and Harris are on the same level as Adolf Hitler.


"as far as I'm concerned Biden and Harris are on the same level as Adolf Hitler"

And this is why you’re a complete and utter moron. Oh and a psychopath too.


Naw, just an objective, unbiased observer. Go worship your "god" Biden like the OP does.


I don’t give a fuck about Biden. You on the other hand would probably gladly be Trump’s slave.


They are definitely psychopaths, but I give a fuck about Biden. I like that his stimulus package just passed in the House of Democrats and we'll be getting checks. We wouldn't need this if it weren't for the Trump Virus and his destruction to our country.


LOL, I don't believe in slavery and I do not blindly worship Trump, but to you anyone who disagrees with you is a slave to the other side.

You however are a radical, libtard cultist. You people remind me of the Thuggees in Temple of Doom. You need some serious help.


"I don't believe in slavery"
You don't believe in slavery? You seriously do not believe slavery has existed. Oh man are you due for a wakeup call.

"You however are a radical, libtard cultist"

Again every time you use that suffix "tard" makes it appear as if you never went beyond an 8th grade education. You see us real men, the ones who matured, knows it is pretty dirty to make fun of Americans born with birth defects like the mentally retarded. We know using that phrase gives you away for the moronic (and look up the meaning of that word it is very telling) hipster that you are.

And again, the other word you throw around without seeming to understand the meaning. "Cultist" Ok again Cultists are people that are generally paranoid, keep guns, believe in vast conspiracies like "Coronavirus is a hoax!" or "Biden didn't win the election" which describes the right to the T.


LOL where did I say that slavery never existed, I said I don't think slavery is right numb nuts.

As for the word "tard" I'm just calling it like it is.


MovieChatUser497 (7092) 15 minutes ago

LOL, I don't believe in slavery "

Trust me using "tard" just calls you for what you are. That's coming from a man to a little boy like you. Do you understand kid? You see us MEN, we gave it up after the 7th grade. For you to keep using it, exposes what a moron you are. (Really look up the definition of the word 'moron'.)


Right I don't believe in slavery as in I don't think slavery is right. Please stop the trolling, I can't believe you are this stupid.


I can't believe you're this stupid. You said you don't believe in it. It's hilarious how you have to justify yourself as if you're on the fence and waffling about it, like you might think it is right in some situations. Fucking nazi. lol.

But you did say you didn't believe in it.

MovieChatUser497 (7092) 15 minutes ago LOL, I don't believe in slavery "

Biden won. Get over it.


What are you a terrorist or something? lol unbiased my ass. Because saying nonsense like "BLM's mission is to murder cops, the left loves dead cops" isn't biased. You're nothing but a freedom hating, anti-American traitor.


Horseshit. If police are murdering Americans, doesn't that make them the enemy?

Well good for Harris.

BLMs mission is to stop cops from murdering Americans. The left loves Americans. The difference between the Democrats and the nazis is they are polar opposites. The Democrats are fighting to stop Nazis in America. You are still the nazi white supremacists that Hitler's minions were. Trump even admitted he was a nationalist like Hitler. The right is still a problem 75 years after WWII. Everyone knows this and even your smirk shows it. Either that or you seriously need to wake up and realize what fascism is.


Held accountable for their rhetoric?! roflmao Oh you poor little snowflake! You mean the "rhetoric" of telling the truth? No MAGAs, white supremacists and all Trump supporters need to be held accountable for their rhetoric because you are seditionists and terrorists. The constitution makes it clear - enemies that are foreign or DOMESTIC. You are domestic enemies.


HAHAHAHAHAHA, yes held responsible for their rhetoric for calling for the murder of cops. They should be impeached and go through the criminal process just like Trump had to for telling his supporters to march "peacefully and patriotically"


You think it is really important to me to know that you're writing "haha". You're a fruitcake.

Where did they call for the murder of cops? Prove it.

But even if they DID "call" for something. There's a BIG difference between "calling" for something and ACTUALLY DOING IT. Cops have been murdering Americans for decades and they have been murdering innocent white weanies like yourself too.


Here you go kiddo:

And yes I'm guessing the cop is just supposed to sit there while the suspect murders them.


Can't you follow along in a conversation of your own claims?

You just gave me a link for what "BLM protestors" were saying and the link says your claim is FALSE. Did you even read what you posted?

Yet you were saying, "yes held responsible for their rhetoric for calling for the murder of cops." In reference to " [–] MovieChatUser497 (7092) an hour ago: Biden, Harris, Pelosi , Schumer and waters all need to be held accountable for their rhetoric."

I asked you to prove to me where Biden, Harris, Pelosi or Schumer were calling for the murder of cops.
I knew you couldn't.
Can't you follow along?


You know what you're right, I made a mistake and I didn't skim the article, here is a better one:


Snopes just proved you wrong. Not following your links anymore. Anyway, still doesn't say where "Biden, Harris, Pelosi or Schumer were calling for the murder of cops."

And Yes I am always right. You see the Truth has a liberal bias.

And Biden won. Get over it.


LOL, so the video is lying?

All four of them condone the riots and BLM, BLM wants Dead Cops therefore those 4 want dead cops. This isn't hard to understand or anything unless you are a libtard.


Hmm four. Wow 4 dead cops. Isn't that something. Just 4 huh? I don't buy it but...

1,462 Americans have been murdered by police in the past year.

Biden won. Get over it. And police are going to be muzzled soon and hopefully so will you be.


the four were Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer among others. Politicians who are sanctioning the murder of cops. Learn how to read numb nuts

Also self defense isn’t murder. I’m guessing the cops should just stand there while BLM murders them. Funny as I thought the left was against that???


Here you go, straight from the horses mouth:

BLM is all for dead cops and your "god" condones it and sanctions it.


Nonsense. Biden won. Get over it.

Anyway, going out for a run now. Glad I was able to correct you. At least you admitted you were wrong.


We did impeach the motherfucker. He was the only president to be impeached twice. And he'll be going down soon for all kinds of financial scandals and one big doozy of a child sex trafficking ring he's been part of.


Ok troll job confirmed. Learn some new material sonny boy


This isn't a game you nitwit. It's not about having "new material". It's about reminding you pieces of utter shit about the things you are in total denial about, particularly Trump's connections with Epstein, Ghisslaine Maxwell and Trump's raping of children. This thing isn't done yet. We haven't gotten revenge on Trump yet for what he did to our country. This isn't over. He's going to jail and he's going to be locked up.


OK your little gimmick is getting pretty boring. My advice is tone it down a bit, you might actually be able to hide the fact that you're trolling to anyone who has more than a 5th grade education.


Oh are your feelings getting hurt? Your sensitivities over the truth getting a little shaken huh? Again snowflake this is not a game. There's no "toning down" facts. Just because you don't have the maturity level of someone with beyond a 5th grade education doesn't mean everyone thinks like you.
Oh man I do hope they catch you. You're a terrorist aren't you? One of those MAGAs who stormed the Capitol. Do you have a gun, maybe one of those semi-automatic carbines you've converted to fully automatic? Are you planning to commit more terrorism? They're coming after you boyo.


Only president to be acquitted twice, thanks Nancy!


"Trump before he destroyed our country"

What an absolutely moronic, clueless, uninformed, uneducated, asinine statement. Our country has not quite been destroyed, yet, but any social destruction that has been done has been by the left in their hysterical overreaction to Trump. TDS has done a lot of damage, which is ongoing. The fact that we have a senile crook as president and a socialist who approves of BLM terrorism waiting in the wings is a symptom of the unhinged leftist backlash.


True. The most votes in US history, despite being incapable of getting 10k viewers on a YouTube stream. Those are unfathomable odds.

He's only had a brief 47 years. Usually people need at least 50 to prove themselves. Give the dude a chance.


Couldn't get 500 people to a turnout (much less 1,000), and few people if any had campaign paraphernalia out in contested battleground counties leading up to the general election, yet... he won with a landslide victory with more votes than any other president in history.

Yep... totally legit.


Oh there's another vast conspiracy! More like cult thinking. Your excuses are as fake as Trump was. Republicans haven't won by the popular will of the majority for 32 years. People don't vote on youtube.


Lol, the blueanon crowd are the heavyweight champions of conspiracy theories. Why you so embarrassed of your belt?


The only people dumb enough to attend a rally during a pandemic are Trumpers.


Just call it a BLM riot, I mean rally and that should alleviate all of your concerns.


Again, the difference is BLM was calling for the killing of Americans to stop. MAGA was threatening to kill Americans calling for the killing of Americans to continue and increase. Get the difference yet?


LOL yes let's call for the killing of Americans to stop while we KILL AMERICANS!!!! Makes perfect libtard sense.


Man you're desperate and you're hysterical now. Love the use of your exclamation points. Liberals aren't killing Americans, police and other gunowners are. Liberals are calling for the stopping of killing Americans.


BLM says your pants are on fire.




Yes, he should fight Chance The Rapper.


I'm enjoying having a President who doesn't Tweet bullshit or retweet some obscure racist conspiracy theories only to draw attention from the greed-driven mass media (there is no "Lib Media" unless you listen to some obscure public radio stations) who spent entire programming hours pearl clutching over abhorrent behavior.

I have family and friends who still think Trump won and that Dems cheated so this isn't about me having "TDS" but more about the fact that Trump supporters having "BDS". It's still playing out as you see many Republican-run states trying to manipulate their voting apparatus to somehow make it harder for non-Republicans to vote. I actually think that they're going to end up hurting their own party as many Republican voters will think that with these new measures they won't have to go out and vote because it will be "in the bag" so to speak come the 2022 midterms. Be careful what you wish for.
