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So McConnell Was Trying to prevent the hand over of the Senate? Seriously?

Think about who the elite are. Think about who has the power even when Democrats have the House, the Senate and the Executive. How the F ever are they even?? How are they able to even block the Democratic candidates from taking their seats in the Senate? That goes to show right there who the deep state is.

McConnell allows Senate power-sharing deal to advance after fight with Democrats over filibuster

How are they EVEN able to get away with this?! They lost the election. FAIR AND SQUARE! The ballots were hand counted! They lost the election EVEN AFTER they cheated by purging the voter rolls and trying to prevent the mail in ballots when most so many Americans especially the elderly were voting by mail in ballot because they were afraid of the pandemic!!! Republicans don't believe that Every American deserves to have their vote counted that's why!

ADDITIONALLY! McConnell is trying to block Americans from getting their $2000. EVERY AMERICAN and that corporate shill is PRETENDING that barely enough amount of money would be helping the "Rich"? HOW?!!! They gave $700 BILLION!!! That's $700,000,000,000 of OUR DOLLARS to the BANKS in 2008 FOR NO REASON!!!! They were not made to account for what they did with that money nor pay it back! They used the money to buy out other banks! One of my banks was one of them, NATIONAL CITY! And it was bought out by PNC! LOOK IT UP! And they turned the checking account into CRAP requiring a minimum balance essentially locking up your money for themselves.

The car companies paid back WITH INTEREST the LOANS they got from Obama and it saved 1 out of every 10 American jobs!!! That just goes to show, not even the CAR COMPANIES are among the rich elite of the Deep State that the Republicans represent. SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION!! And McConnell is telling us that if we were to get $2000 that we are the RICH?!! That scumbag. What's more this "fake pandemic" that Republicans were telling us there is turned out to not be so "fake" After Trump got it did it?!! THEY ALLOWED IT TO GET OUT OF CONTROL IN OUR COUNTRY! If you want to follow conspiracies. Look up the "Great Reset" because Trump's virus fits right into that one! They wanted to engineer another recession! So not only did the Republicans cause America to be the MOST INFECTED country in the world by 1. shutting down the Pandemic office that Obama started after the Ebola Outbreak. 2. failing to obtain the tests from the WHO so Trump could do a sweetheart deal with his cronies. 3. Calling the virus a hoax and downplaying it. 4. Having FEMA Hoard all the n95 3M masks and continuing to tell people that the virus was no big deal, now these bastard Republicans are trying to block us from getting our stimulus checks??????

Who the F do you think supports the rich?!! It's obvious! Get your damn heads out of the ground Republicans and wake the F up!
