MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Hilarious and pathetic right wing racist...

Hilarious and pathetic right wing racist crybabies

Biden won, get used to it.

Trump and most of his 'followers' are/were always whining racists and sub-educational tards.


Importing your voters from poor and violent countries, and also making 11 million illegal migrants American citizens is great?
I believed you had enough crime in the United States, you really need more?

And anyone that opposes these moves is a racist, correct?

This is why the low IQ left is so hated. They lack common sense and logic.
The only argument they ever have is: "uhh, you´re a racist"

Sorry clown, no one falls for that anymore. Everyone sees right though your BS.


Calling someone "racist" is the fallback plan when defeated by facts and logic. The word "racist" means nothing anymore.


People do need to accept that Biden is president.

Democrats also need to accept that they need to do the right thing for THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, not just for democrat voters.


Democrats also need to accept that they need to do the right thing for THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, not just for democrat voters.

But I don't think they can. The classic Democrats (of which I was once one) are dying off, and in the void are the intolerant leftists. Biden's puppet handlers are making sure he undoes everything good Trump did for the country.

Biden was handed the plan to build the strongest economy in American history. Let's see if he or whoever pulls his strings can keep their hatred for the Cheeto from cutting off their noses to spite their faces.


Considering some of the comments he has made in the past, anyone that voted for or supports this fake president is in no position to call anyone else racist.
