No the DemoKKKrats are responsible for all of the covid deaths. President Trump was busy preparing for covid and assembling a task force while the DemoKKKrats were preoccupied with their fake impeachment, then they accused him of using the virus to divert attention away from the fake impeachment. Then they constantly undermined him and called his efforts to contain the virus racist and xenophobic. If they didn't see the virus as a big deal when it could have made a difference then they have no moral authority now. Every single death from covid is on the hands of the left, they murdered hundreds of thousands of people and they were actively rooting for the virus because they could politicize it and use it against the president. They are a bunch of sick, evil and sadistic scumbags and it scares me how much power they have now. If the Republicans have any backbone at all (which they don't), they will immediately call for Biden, Harris and Pelosi's impeachment and prosecution for treason and murder.