MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > How will SNL handle Joke Biden as Presid...

How will SNL handle Joke Biden as President?

They just spent big bucks on Jim Carrey to play him this season, but what can they do? The Left wants Biden seen as a wise elder statesman. There is no way they can make fun of Joke Biden for a year or two at least. They will be paralyzed for fear of undermining Biden's image in the public eye.


They made fun of Clinton for 8 years and it didn't hurt him. He actually liked it.


The worst they ever did re Clinton was his weight and liking women. Hardly controversial.


Clinton had a sense of humor about himself. He never challenged anyone to a pushup competition.


He will be treated as a God OR the DNC will shitcan him and take their Communist VP up the next level, el presidente.

Welcome to the Banana Republic of America.


hail el presidente.


Toward 2022 with the projection of congress being in control of Republicans he will be joked about.


Are you kidding? SNL is a bunch of far-left cocksuckers! They’ll LOVE Comrade Joe!


He will be played as a loveable goof.


This is probably true.


They will keep to make fun of Trump,they need him more than they like to admit. And they will ignore all Biden's mistakes like they did with Obomb.
