MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden may steal an election for the elit...

Biden may steal an election for the elitists, but Democrats will regret it:

The “chumps” and “ugly folk,” as Joe Biden calls them, came out in their glorious millions from the American heartland on Election Day and now we will see if people power prevails, if the nationalist populist movement enabled by Donald Trump, but not defined by him, lives to fight another day against the corrupt globalists represented by the sad husk of Biden.

It boils down to Trump’s belief that the Democrats perpetrated widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and elsewhere to steal the election.

While even those in his own party are urging him to lose gracefully, the president has every right to ensure electoral laws are enforced to prevent fraud.

In fact, he owes it to the 68 million deplorables who voted for him.


I am glad Trump is standing up to libs and the liberal elite media. He will be the last President to take on the media.


Corporations and Deepstate win again. Back to the status quo.


Yup, back to the same ole thing again.


The most depressing thing about it is that we can pretty much predict everything that is going to happen while half the country is oblivious.
