Biden unveils $5 trillion climate plan
Joey is not batshit-insane like like those who think we can eliminate fossil fuels in just 10 years. I guess 30 years makes him a moderate in Democrat eyes. Even Canadians are revolting against modest carbon taxes (and pretty-boy Trudeau).
The "Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution & Environmental Justice" embraces the Green New Deal while setting a longer timeline of achieving net-zero emissions and a 100 percent clean energy economy.
Calling for a "clean energy revolution," the former vice president lays out a path to invest $5 trillion over 10 years to achieve the renewable energy goals. Nearly $1.7 trillion of that would be federal dollars, which Biden's campaign says will be paid by undoing the tax cuts enacted by President Trump and congressional Republicans.
The language in Biden's policy take strides to embrace the progressive climate action plan known as the Green New Deal, backed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ...
While the Green New Deal calls for a transition to a 100 percent renewable powered U.S. electric grid by 2030, Biden's plan calls for net zero emissions by 2050.