MovieChat Forums > Mayim Bialik Discussion > The one and only reason I hate this Blos...

The one and only reason I hate this Blossom broad.

The ONLY reason.
I was born in 84, and my sister in 75. You know what that means? That means that in the late 80s, early 90s, my sister had control of the tv. And guess what I would have to watch. Blossom.
Screw that crap! This chick and her stupid show ruined me! RUINED me!!!

Coming Soon... The December Man


This chick and her stupid shoe ruined me! RUINED me!!!

Whatever you say, Mr. Sullivan.

Was it a "really big shoe"?

(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny


Well, at least, you don't hate her because she's Jewish like some Neo Nazis on this board!! Yeah, I'm talking about you, Bossiere M.


Her shoe ruined you lmao

Mayim and her damn shoe




I grew up watching her as well.
I didn't realise she was 37. Much older than me. I figured we were about the same age or close to it when I was watching the show when I was kid and had to watch blossom because older siblings were watching it as well.

I didn't mind the series too much. So her her birthday's today hmm..


The fact that you use the term "broad" to describe a woman entirely invalidates any point you could make, since it brands you an idiot.

God, Santa, unicorns, Bigfoot.


I had the same problem back in the 70's growing up. My sister had a crush on Peter Breck and the neighborhood girl who lived across the street had a crush on Lee Majors thus forcing me to sit through many reruns of The Big Valley. To this day I refuse to watch that show should it pop up on one of the seemingly endless cable channels.


I feel your pain only for me it was the Waltons. BTW my sister named her son Lee due to Lee Majors. Luckily for him she didn't choose John Boy.

Yes I'm with him. I'm uh...I'm Mrs. Igles...I'm Mrs. Iglesias
