tony,,,,,his trademark from h e l l
I am a huge huge fan of 24! DVDs, board games, soundtracks, mugs, shirts, posters, under wear, books, magazines, bed sets, wall paper,tattoos, web site fan page(s), action figures, stalking the cast, puzzles, stamps, calendars, vodoo dolls, and some 1-800 numbers to make me feel better...
but Tony comming back is the greatest thing since i got my 4 foot digital clock that makes the 24 clock noise every minute!
I cant not wait!
i knew he was ALIVE! i told my counsler/therapist that Tony would return! when i got the news one night when i was making a 24 cake to celebrate my 4,900th time i watched season 3 i saw on my 24 hour 24 information web site the new preview I WAS so excited!!I even got my TONY IS ALIVE tattoo!!
so yea....yippy for Carlos for saying yes!