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Tony ,You Dirty S.O.B.

You killed Larry !!!!!!!


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Moss is an acceptable loss. Tony is likely still going after a "bigger fish" even though it's implausable that he knew and didn't tell Jack that Hodges wasn't the head guy unless Hodges assistant told him about the bigger fish. But come on...4 villains this season. 5 if Tony is really bad... which I'll hate more than them killing him on Day 5!


Yeah, it seems that way. But it makes no sense why, especially after he blew up Starkwood's weapons, why would he turn around and join them again. No advantage to Starkwood by having Almeida blow up their weapons only to rejoin them in their scheme later. So maybe Almeida knew Larry was going to die and that he had to kill him for mercy because he had to go join that black dude undercover? Or, maybe he's just bad again. I dunno.


What makes you think Tony is working with Starkwood?

He probably has his own agenda that has nothing to do with them. Also he didn't have to kill Larry. There are many ways he could have worked around it. Tony is a bad guy. I hope he has some guilt over what he does and not some heartless killer, which would ruin the character more than it already has.

But Tony is a bad guy simple as that. Killing Moss the way he did was to show the audience this is a new Tony and the way it was done was clear Tony isn't the Tony we once knew.

He should have been left dead.



I hate that he's bad. If they try to make him good, it'll probably be ridiculous.


If Tony killed Larry to keep his undercover status he hasn't done anything that Jack hasn't done for the greater good, even sacrificing a good guy. Jack killed Curtis, his friend and parter for a greater good. Jack also killed Chappelle for the greater good. Again this would be based on the assumption that Tony has a greater good at heart.I just don't like that many people give Jack a free pass and not others who might do the same thing.


No one is giving Tony a free pass.

The difference in the deaths of Chappelle, Curtis, and Larry is that Jack had no choice but to kill Chappelle and Curtis for the great of good. Jack tried to find a way to spare Chappelle. As for Curtis, there was no option.

On the other hand, Tony had other options with what to do with Larry. Tony didn't think of another way. He had no compassion, no desire for anyone but desire to seek revenge against Wilson. He murdered Larry in cold blood..and that's fine, just makes his character more ruthless and bad ass.

Trust me, I'm not a Jack Bauer nuthugger at all and I love Almeida's character, but there is a difference and no one should compare those murders.


Eh, I definitely don't think Jack had to go for the kill shot with Curtis. That annoyed me. He definitely didn't have to kill him. Wound him, sure. Kill him, no.
