
apparently according to sidereel he is now engaged to evan rachel wood. this makes me sad =[ lol


Me too! I feel a bit jealous, XD


haha i feel a little jealous too =]


Had no idea they were back together.


he's not haha!

'Is it OK for young people to commit to each other in such a way?'

oh jamie.. I'm actually proud of him for the first time ever. Though I wouldn;t put it past Jamie to be lying to us.

save the world recycle urself


Great interview, and I'm glad that he said that. I know too many people my age (I'm 23) that are married with children, and I constantly wonder if they were ready for this much commitment.

It's true that Jamie Bell could be lying, but I really hope that he isnt or he at least waits til they've been back together longer.

Super cool party people bid you a super cool adieu!


I'm glad you said that maybutler. I totally agree. I don't understand it at all. I know they love their children and their spouses....but....you're still really young! I don't think people should lock themselves into a lifestyle until they know who they are and what they want and what they want to experience in life. And it isn't about partying or anything. Kids and spouses are responsibilities. There are a multitude of things you can't do when you are settled because once you have kids THEY are your whole life.


That's my feelings exactly! I'm currently in grad school trying to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life, so I can't imagine what is going through the minds of people that have children and still having figured out a career. Your kids come first, so they might not be able to continue their education (its getting harder to get a job with just a bachelor's degree).

I think my biggest concern is that at 23, I'm still incredibly selfish so I can't imagine putting the needs of someone else before my own. The people that I know my age that have children and put them first are truly amazing. This is probably the toughest decision someone makes as an adult. When to settle down and have kids. I watched an interview with Craig Ferguson and Daniel Radcliffe, and he may have been joking but he told DanRad that now was the time for him to settle down and have kids. His reasoning (somewhat joking of course) is that you don't want to be as old as him (Craig) and running after young children. It was a joke, but still true. When I'm finally at that stage to have kids, I will be in my mid to late 30s, and my friends that have children now will start to look at me the way I'm looking at them right now. Their kids will be much older, so they could always decide to go back to school and get a different career.

Super cool party people bid you a super cool adieu!


i feel like if you had a kid by "accident" aka not planned, you would figure out how to mature quick and step up - probably during the 9 months before the baby gets there. i don't know how it happens because it's never happened to me, but i know lots of people who had kids very young and once they had their babies they just started thinking differently. the powerful love of mother/father to child is (usually) a strong motivation i guess! that's nature for you.
