MovieChat Forums > Richard Armitage Discussion > Are they still together?

People were theorizing that RA's comment about moving back to the UK meant that he and Lee had broken up or there was at least trouble in paradise. But who knows.


moving back to the UK meant that he and Lee had broken up

Yes, I think it's pretty obvious also because we passed from the "I can't vote here yet" meaning he was thinking to apply for US citizenship, to moving back to London.

At least in December 2016 when RA said it. If there has been a change of mind, we can't tell.


If there has been a change of mind, we can't tell.

Not even by interpreting his latest choice of socks and bubblegum? 

This fandom is losing its grip. 😫

After all is said and done, a lot more will have been said than done.


Facts, not "interpretations". But since so many people always refused to read/listen to facts, thinking they were all inventions - a clue? they aren't - it's always been impossible to have a serious dialogue. This elephant in the room has destroyed the fandom since 2006.

It's more than 4 years we have this horrible war between two sides, and the people in the middle, like me, always felt helpless in front of 2 extremes. From people "interpreting" socks to total naysayers in front of concrete evidence, we observed the fandom killing itself. Not a very nice show.


I never really understood why it was so awful to discuss the fact he is probably gay. Look at it this way: if he isn't, I am sure as a mature, modern guy who works with many, many gay people he would never be offended. And if he is, then he'd maybe feel he doesn't have to hide who he really is for the rest of his life and his fans would always support him. I think actors don't come out more for fear of never being cast in a heterosexual role again. Ridiculous because if a straight actor can play gay, then the reverse is true also.

However, there were so many fanatical fans who not only did not want to even contemplate the premise they also demanded that everyone else not talk about it all. That was the part that caused the "war" I think - more about freedom of speech than any problem with who was or was not gay.

Owing to the fact he is never seen with a woman and doesn't seem to have a girlfriend, wife or partner in either rumour or fact and has not been linked with one for years, I come down on the side of believing he is gay. It doesn't make him a worse actor or person though, does it?

People are obviously interested in the discussion because they responded - and no one was abusive or insulting. It's sad that this thread has only survived this long because IMDb is shutting down the boards and they are probably ignoring all reporting of posts. Because this board was notorious for false reporting anyone who had the temerity to suggest he was not 100% straight.

(As it is, I already have the red letters which mean someone reported my post. False reporting again...)



I don't see why he has to be one or the other! Creative people are often bisexual. I think the question is, was he in a relationship with Lee Pace? They've been seen together a lot over the years, they are clearly good friends. The fact that nobody can confirm if they were officially living together or hooking up is interesting - so did they really spend that much time together recently? It must be really hard to stay out of the spotlight together that much, and not have people talk about it, especially in NYC.

Recent (and most likely made up) reports are he's dating his young co-star from the Crucible, but all the pictures of them together are clearly from Crucible events.

Let's just hope if he's single or in a relationship, he is happy.


“I never really understood why it was so awful to discuss the fact he is probably gay.”

IMO, it’s because RA’s fanbase had a LOT of women with an intense, emotional crush on the guy. I have never seen a fanbase like it. Not even the Colin Firth/Jane Austen/Pride and Prejudice fanbase came close to the way women reacted to RA, in particular to his portrayal of John Thornton in North and South. His N&S Superfans were so obsessive. Every time a new period drama was announced, they all wanted him cast in the romantic lead, even if he wasn’t really right for the part.

These fans had a lot, (A LOT) invested in RA as their dream mate. He couldn’t possibly be gay or bi because that would spoil their illusion.


Agree that RA felt, along all this year, the lack of support for his true self. It must have been hell, as he himself said in The Telegraph interview , June 2014. There is a certain amount of stress if you have things to hide .

Instead of sending him a strong, clear signal that we don't care about his sexuality, people refused to talk about the topic, tried to hide any rumours,letting passing the message they were afraid and not willing to support him. I know most of them don't think like this, but the impression from the outside was/is nonetheless, this one.


Agree that RA felt, along all this year, the lack of support for his true self.

Them grey socks, right? 

You know what he also said in that Telegraph interview?

I think I read somewhere that someone said I was fiercely protective of my private life, and I thought well, there’s nothing fierce about protecting a private life. I think it’s worth protecting – for everybody, not just high-profile people

I think respect has to be earned, except when it comes to respecting people's privacy. That should be a given.

After all is said and done, a lot more will have been said than done.


And that's why I said we shouldn't gossip. But one thing is speculating by and large, another one is banning people (not only here), deleting comments and threads if you suggest he could be gay.

Anyway, the result has been to show AA as a bunch of crazy women and RA as a miserable closeted case afraid of losing his Army's support. Sad (and untrue), but this is what people outside think. And no, it wasn't a great service to RA.
