Greasy fingers

Where should JJ Abrams put his greasy fingers now? He already made the worst Mission Impossible movie, almost killed the franchise but the movies stand alone so it wasn't too much of a damage. He ruined Star Trek by making it a generic action movie, besides he ripped off an ancient movie and sold it as a new one. Worst crime is Star Wars, the franchise is officially dead, there is absolutely no way to fix his characters and the stupidest story ever written, although it's a rip off, this time it doesn't make any sense.
What other franchise should be allowed to ruin


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rejuvenated both star trek and star wars, star trek 1 is a great fun film likewise TFA, star wars is dead???? 2 billion at the box office, 8.2 IMDB score, 92% RT score, rogue one about to be released, me thinks you are rather deluded.


By rejuvenated you must mean dumbed down. The 2 billion box office was solely sitting on George Lucas work, it was all about hyping up nostalgic fans who would just throw their money at any new Star Wars movie. A turd wrapped in a Star Wars packing would make billions, and that's exactly what happened, now for the next episodes they're going to need more than that. And btw RT score and box office results were never proof of quality. The Avengers did just as good as TFA, it's still a crap movie for mongoloids.


then how come none of the prequels made that much box office


The prequels were a huge box office success, what are you on? Besides if you want to compare, you need to take the inflation into consideration. And George Lucas took risks, he wrote new stories with new characters, new planets, new ships new creatures while all Disney have to do was bring back Luke, Leia , Han Solo, chewie, the Falcon, the stormtroopers. Lucas could have done that too, but he's creative and doesn't believe in doing the same thing over and over just to make cash. He could have made billions $ more if he did what Kathleen Kennedy is doing, a cheap movie every year with a rushed script and a new blockbuster director for each one. It's very easy, no talent and no morals required.


Lucas may of introduced new creative ideas but ultimately the prequels didn't work, they aren't very good, TFA revisits the Star Wars of old and it worked , and I never said the prequels didn't do well at the box office, I said they never made anywhere near TFA money.


TFA didn't revisit Star Wars, it's a shameless rip off from ANH and ESB, it relied 100% on nostalgia by falsely advertising Luke and the old cast. The movie itself is just a big insult to the Star Wars fans.


yes because The Avengers was a very good movie, just as good as TFA, im not understanding you ?
