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JJ Abrams quote about race and casting shows open contempt for Whites

Here's the quote:

"We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple times — you look around that room and you see the whitest *beep* room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color?"

Now imagine that Abrams had said the following: " look around that room and you see the BROWNEST *beep* room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably BROWN. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors who are white?"

The uproar from the teenage, bed wetting, PC marxist hive mind from the dregs of the internet would've been deafening, they would've been outraged and whining for the next year! You know it and I know it! THEIR HYPOCRISY IS STAGGERING. They all hold the different races to massively different standards, by the way, and are proud to do so. This is a perfect example of why Marxists aka useful idiots can't be taken seriously, they are cult members who are easily emotionally manipulated.

Abrams' comments complaining about the "whitest *beep* room in the history of time" is dripping with contempt and reveals his obvious racial animosity towards Whites.

Edit: Just to be clear, Abrams is a Jew.

Edit 2: Spinning off of Abrams' original quote, can you imagine the hell that would break loose if someone in the entertainment industry said the following?:

"Having met with Hollywood producers and financiers a couple times — you look around that room and you see the Jewiest *beep* room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably Jewish."

It would make world wide news, the fake victimhood posturing would go into overdrive, the WHINING would be heard from underground bunkers, and Benjamin Netanyahu himself would make a speech to the commie United Nations claiming that this was incitement against his people, and he would call for a new kosher war based on these remarks! Sadly, this really isn't much of an exaggeration. We've all seen the same playacting/song and dance a million times before.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to criticize." - Voltaire


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Of course, that's his MO.


White privilege prevents you from seeing how flawed your comparison is. Basically, keep white things white is what you're trying to say. What you dont realise is that the younger generation does not see color the same way as yours or the previous generation. And generations to come will see it even less. So get mad if you want. But you'll just have to get used to it.

Also I suggest you look up white privilege biggest you're a perfect example of someone who has never considered that 'whiteness' may not be default.


White privilege does not exist and I am sick of people lying and saying it does. Also why does one race have to be better than another? I was brought up to believe that all people are equal and if you are judging people on how they look, then you are the one who needs to seriously re-evaluate your life. As to the what Abrams said, yes it was racist and he would be cancelled if the races were reversed, but since he is white and was talking about whites it is not as offensive, because he was speaking of his own race, which he believes has more advantages.


majik43-1, you might as well quote the Talmud, The Communist Manifesto, and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion while you are at it! The fabrication of 'White privilege' doesn't work any more, no matter how much rabbi Abrams and his ilk push it. They need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new lie.


That weird considering his show has a remarkable amount of white people in them.


White privilege

Doesn't exist.




White people crying about reverse-racism is already pathetic enough. Now you're gonna complain even when another white man thinks there's too many white people at the emmy's. Your comparison doesn't even make any sense either. This has got to be a troll post...
